Adcock Ingram Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Pyracod - Zopimed.
List of Adcock Ingram Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Pyracod
- Pyramine
- Pyriped
- Reducealin
- Remicaine
- Remicard
- Replace
- Replens
- Restameth-SR
- Restin
- Restwel
- Riostatin
- Rioworm
- Roxy
- Royl 6
- Rubragel
- Rubragel-D
- Ryccard
- Ryped
- Sabax
- Sabax Calcium
- Sabax Dianeal
- Sabax Fosenema
- Sabax Gentamix
- Sabax Nebrafen
- Saltermox
- Salterpyn Syrup
- Salterpyn Tablets
- Scopex
- Scopex Co
- Scripto-Lyte
- Scripto-Metic
- Scriptogesic
- Scriptopam
- Sinucon
- Sinustop Spray
- Sinustop Tablets
- Sinustop with Codeine
- Slim 'n Trim
- Solphyllex
- Solphyllex
- Solphyllin
- Solphyllin
- Sosenol
- Sparkling White Eye Drops
- Spasmend
- Spastrex
- Sportsman Rub
- Stopayne
- Stopayne Syrup
- Stopitch
- Symptofed
- Synaleve Capsules
- Synaleve Syrup
- Synaleve Tablets
- Synap
- Syndette
- Talomil
- Telament
- Telament Chewable
- Tenston SR
- Tenston Syrup
- Tenston Tablets
- Thedox
- Thermo Rub
- Tisseel
- Trinagesic
- Tripac-Cyano
- Trochain
- Tussilinct
- Tussitot
- Tyrogel
- Ung Vernleigh
- Urizone
- Vascard
- Veltex
- Vernacycline-V
- Vernleigh Baby Cream
- Vernthol
- Viscalox
- Viscotraan
- Vitaplus B Plus
- Vitaplus C Plus
- Vomifene
- Winlomylon
- Zetofen
- Zetomax
- Zildem
- Zopimed