Adcock Ingram Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Adcock Ingram Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Achromide
- Acidex
- Acnetane
- Activex 40 Plus
- Actophlem
- Actospect
- Adco-Bisocor
- Adco-Clofelam
- Adco-Dermed
- Adco-Dol
- Adco-Flupain
- Adco-Indogel
- Adco-Kiddipayne
- Adco-Linctopent
- Adco-Liquilax
- Adco-Loten
- Adco-Muco Expect
- Adco-Payne
- Adco-Phenobarbitone Vitalet
- Adco-Retic
- Adco-Roznal
- Adco-Sinal Co
- Adco-Sodasol
- Adco-Sporozole
- Adco-Sufedrin
- Adco-Talomil
- Adco-Tussend
- Adco-Wormex
- Adfen
- Alcophyllex
- Alcophyllin
- All-Up
- Allergin
- Allerhist
- Allertac
- Alma
- Alusil
- Aluspastyl
- Ampisalt
- Antipeol
- Appetrol
- Appetrol-SR
- Asalen
- Asalen Cough Linctus
- Ascarient
- Ascold
- Aurasept
- Azodine
- Azomid
- Bellatard
- Bellavern
- Bencole
- Besemax
- Besenol
- Betaflex
- Betagesic
- Betaperamide
- Betapyn Syrup
- Betapyn Tablets
- Betasleep
- Betitotal
- Biocort
- Bioform
- Biohist
- Biophyllin
- Bioplus
- Biotron
- Bipectinol
- Biskapect
- Bronchoped
- Broncleer
- Broncleer with Codeine
- Burn-A-Sept
- Burnocaine
- Calasthetic
- Calcinatal-MK
- Capolax
- Captomax
- Carbospect
- Carminex
- Cefadrox
- Cepacaine Lozenges
- Cepacaine Mouthwash
- Cepacol Linctus
- Cetamine Syrup
- Cetamine Tablets
- Cetrispect
- Chisi
- Chloraseptic
- Chlorcol
- Chlorhist
- Chloropect
- Citanest Octopressin
- Citro-Soda
- Cobeton
- Cocilix
- Cocillana Co
- Colcaps Capsules
- Colcaps Syrup