Oxytocics Category Listing. Utedrin - Uteracon.
Oxytocics Products. Letter U.
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- Apo-Valacyclovir (Apotex)
- Apo-Valproic (Apotex)
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- Apo-Verap SR (Apotex)
- Apo-Vir (Protein, Mexico)
- Apo-Warfarin (Apotex)
- Apox (Curex)
- A-Poxide (Abbott Laboratories)
- Apozan (Curex)
- Apozema (Apomedica)
- Apozema Allium Cepa Compositum (Apomedica)
- Apozema Apis Compositum (Apomedica)
- Apozema Mariendistel (Apomedica)
- Apozema Mariendistel Forte (Apomedica)
- Apozema Vitamin E (Apomedica)
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- Apo-Zidovudine (Apotex)
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- Appetiser Mixture (Potter's Herbal Supplies)
- Appeton (Kotra Pharma)
- Appeton Lysine (Deltapharm; Hind Wing)
- Appeton Weight Gain (Deltapharm; Hind Wing; Kotra Pharma)
- Appetrol (Adcock Ingram)
- Appetrol-SR (Adcock Ingram)
- Applaud (Zep Manufacturing Company)
- Applicaine Gel (Carter Products; Pacific Pharmaceuticals)
- Applicaine Liquid (Carter Products; Pacific Pharmaceuticals)
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- Apraclonidine (Akorn)
- Apracur (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Apracur (Diethelm)
- Apracur (Serch Laboratorios)
- Apracur (Virtu's Industria e Comercio)