Miscellaneous Category Listing. R and C - RTH.
Miscellaneous Products. Letter R.
Results: 1 to 87 of 87
- R and C (Schwarz Pharma)
- R and C Shampoo (GlaxoSmithKline)
- R and C Shampoo with Conditioner (GlaxoSmithKline)
- R and C Spray (GlaxoSmithKline)
- R-X 1 (Veropharm)
- Raid (BCM)
- Ralgro Magnum Zeranol Implants (Bayer)
- Rasantan (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Ratio-Baclofen (Ratiopharm)
- Ratio-Cyclobenzaprine (Ratiopharm)
- Raxil (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Raxil MD (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Raxil Secur (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Raxil T (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Raxil Ultra (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Reflexan (Pharma Investi de Chile)
- Reflexyn (BCM)
- Refractyl (Sophia Laboratorios)
- Relatrac (Pisa Laboratorios)
- Relax Methocarbamol (BCM)
- Relaxazone (BCM)
- Relaxin-P (Jean-Marie Pharmacal)
- Relaxophen (Tanta Pharmaceuticals)
- Relefact TRH (Sanofi-Aventis; Odan Laboratories)
- Relestrid (BCM)
- Relexil (Chile Laboratorios)
- Remisol (Degort's Chemical)
- Remisol-Pls (Degort's Chemical)
- Remisol-Plus (Degort's Chemical)
- Remular (International Ethical Laboratories)
- Remular-S (International Ethical Laboratories)
- Resectisol (B. Braun; Biomed, New Zealand)
- Resectisol (B. Braun; Biomed, New Zealand)
- Resectisol in plastic container (B. Braun)
- Resectisol in plastic container (B. Braun)
- Resectisol Mannitol 5% Irrigation (B. Braun)
- Residex P55 (Agropharm)
- Resultz (Altana Pharma; Nycomed)
- Revalor-XS (Intervet)
- Revatio (Pfizer)
- Reversol (Organon)
- Rexivin (Collins Productos Farmaceuticos)
- Rhoxal-Orphenadrine Citrate Extended Release (Rhoxalpharma)
- Rhumantin (GEA)
- Rhumax (Prosana Laboratories)
- RID (Pfizer)
- RID Maximum Strength Lice Killing Shampoo (BCM)
- Rid Mousse (Pfizer)
- Rifathyroin (BCM)
- Rinsoderm (Nycomed)
- Ripol (Chile Laboratorios)
- Riva-Baclofen (Riva Laboratoire)
- Riva-Cycloprine (Riva Laboratoire)
- Rivecrum (P. L. Rivero Laboratorios)
- Robamol (BCM)
- Robax Gold (Wyeth)
- Robax Platinum (Wyeth)
- Robaxacet (Wyeth)
- Robaxacet Extra Strength (Wyeth)
- Robaxacet-8 (Wyeth)
- Robaxan (BCM)
- Robaxifen (Wyeth)
- Robaximol (Montreal Veterinary Products)
- Robaxin (Wyeth; Aspen Pharmacare; Baxter; Ipsen Pharma; Schwarz Pharma; Shire; U.S. Summit)
- Robaxine (BCM)
- Robaxisal (Wyeth; Ipsen Pharma; Robins AH; Shire)
- Robaxisal C-1 / 2 (Wyeth)
- Robaxisal C-1 / 4 (Wyeth)
- Robaxisal C-1 / 8 (Wyeth)
- Robaxisal Compuesto (Wyeth; Ipsen Pharma)
- Robaxisal Extra Strength (Wyeth)
- Robaxisal Forte (Wyeth; Shire)
- Robaxisol (BCM)
- Robaxon (BCM)
- Robiflam (Khandelwal Laboratories)
- Robinax (Khandelwal Laboratories)
- Robinaxol (Khandelwal Laboratories)
- Rocuronium Bromide (APP Pharmaceuticals)
- Rocuronium Bromide (Generamedix)
- Rocuronium Bromide (Hospira)
- Rocuronium Bromide (Sandoz)
- Rocuronium Bromide (Teva)
- Romethocarb (BCM)
- Ronstar (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Ronstar D Flo (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Ronstar PL (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- RTH (Ferring)