Terpin Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Terpin pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Bromocodyl (Sorin-Maxim Laboratoires)
- Cidantos Balsamico (Cidan)
- Codoforme (Azevedos Laboratorios)
- Codoformo (Silco, Silva, Sucs Laboratorios)
- Codoformo (Silco, Silva, Sucs Laboratorios)
- Codotussyl Pastilles (Wyeth)
- Eupita (Pelayo)
- Marrubene Codethyline (Lemoine Laboratoires)
- Prontal (Robapharm)
- Pulmofluide Enfants (Phygiene Laboratoires)
- Pulmofluide Ephedrine (Phygiene Laboratoires)
- Pulmofluide Nourrissons (Leurquin Mediolanum Laboratoire)
- Pulmofluide Simple (Pfizer)
- Pulmothiol (Roche)
- Pulveol (Medix Laboratoires)
- Pulveol (Medix Laboratoire)
- Sedotussin Expectorans Drops (UCB Pharma)
- Sedotussin Expectorans Suppositories (UCB Pharma)
- Sedotussin Expectorans Syrup (UCB Pharma)
- Tercodine (Merck)
- Terpine des Monts-Dore (Centrapharm Laboratoire)
- Terpine Gonnon Liquid (Merck; Pharminter Laboratoires)
- Terpine Gonnon Liquid (Merck; Pharminter Laboratoires)
- Terpine Gonnon Tablets (Merck)
- Terpine Gonnon Tablets (Merck; Famar Lyon)
- Terponil (Vitafarma, Spain)
- Terponil (Vitafarma, Spain)
- Tossarel (Aerocid Laboratoires)
Latest Popular Site Searches
- Plenifem (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Plenigraf (Justesa Imagen; Juste Quimico-Farmaceutica)
- Plenish-K (Aspen Pharmacare)
- Plenitude Effaceur Rides SPF 15 (L'Oreal)
- Plenitude Excell A-3 Fluide SPF 8 (L'Oreal)
- Plenitude Excell A-3 SPF 8 (L'Oreal)
- Plenitude-Fluide Hydratant Prot Quot SPF 12 (L'Oreal)
- Plenitude-Fluide Hydratant Protective Quotidien N-G SPF 12 (L'Oreal)
- Plenitude-Fluide Hydratant Quotidien SPF 15 (L'Oreal)
- Plenocedan (Makros Industria Farmaceutica)
- Plenogripe (Farmoquimica)
- Plenolyt (Madaus)
- Plenomicina (CIBRAN Companhia Brasileira de Antibioticos)
- Plenosol N (Madaus)
- Plenovid (Tecnofarma)
- Plenovit (Dexter Farmaceutica)
- Plentiva (Wyeth)
- Plentiva Cycle 5 (Wyeth)
- Plenty (Medley Industria Farmaceutica)
- Plenum (Duncan Laboratorios)
- Plenumil (Merck)
- Plenur (Ipsen Pharma)
- Plenvisol (Diba Laboratorios)
- Plenyl (Bristol-Myers Squibb)
- Pleo Vitamin (Inibsa Laboratorios)
- Pleocortex (Retrain)
- Pleocortex B6 (Retrain)
- Pleom (Plethico Pharmaceuticals)
- Pleomix-Alpha (ILLA Healthcare)
- Pleomix-B (Trommsdorff Arzneimittel)
- Pleon (Lacer)
- Pleon RA (Sanofi-Aventis; Henning Berlin Arzneimittel)
- Pleosan (Spefar Venezolanos Laboratorios)
- Plepat (Solfran Laboratorios)
- Plesial (Ichthyol-Gesellschaft Cordes, Hermanni)
- Plesmet (Link Pharmaceuticals; Intra Pharma HealthCare; Nelson Laboratories; United Drug)
- Pletaal (Otsuka Pharmaceutical; Janssen; Zuellig Pharma)
- Pletal (Otsuka Pharmaceutical)
- Pletil (Pfizer)
- Pletoz (Cipla)
- Pleumolysin (IVAX)
- Pleura-Seal Thoracentesis Kit (Arrow International)
- Plevilox (Pharmasyntez; Plethico Pharmaceuticals)
- Plex B (Delta Instituto Terapeutico)
- Plex Ton (Auad Quimica)
- Plexa Dulsin Liquid (Vitality Products)
- Plexade (Etifar Laboratorios Eticos-Farmaceuticos)
- Plexafer (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Plexalgine (Medix Laboratoires)
- Plexicodim (Pisa Laboratorios)