Rhododendron Ferrugineum Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Rhododendron Ferrugineum pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Arthro-Drainol (Boiron)
- Complexe Lehning Ranunculus N 79 (Lehning Laboratoires)
- Complexe Lehning Rhododendron N 42 (Lehning Laboratoires)
- Complexe No 79 (Lehning Laboratoires)
- Dolo-Arthrosetten (Wyeth)
- Phlebogenine (Boiron)
Latest Popular Site Searches
- Petrol Yellow WT (BCM)
- Petrolagar (Wyeth)
- Petrolagar No. 1 (Wyeth)
- Petrolagar No. 2 (Wyeth)
- Petrolagar with Phenolphthalein (Wyeth)
- Petrolatum Amber N.F. (Dominion Veterinary Laboratories)
- Petrolatum Blanc (Atlas Laboratoire)
- Petrolatum Blanc (Dominion Veterinary Laboratories)
- Petroleum (Boiron)
- Petroleum (Dolisos)
- Petroleum (Homeocan)
- Petroleum (Phyto-Sante)
- Petroleum (Seroyal)
- Petroleum (Standard Homeopathic)
- Petroleum (Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies)
- Petroleum (Total Health Centre)
- Petroleum Asphalt (BCM)
- Petroleum Bitumen (BCM)
- Petroleum Injeel (Biologische Heilmittel Heel)
- Petroleum Jelly (Lander Canada)
- Petroleum Jelly (Mueller Sports Medicine)
- Petroleum Jelly (Regal Pharmaceuticals)
- Petroleum Jelly (Scott Chemical)
- Petroleum Jelly BB (Scott Chemical)
- Petroleum Med Complex (Dynamit Nobel Wien)
- Petroleum Pitch (BCM)
- Petroleum Refining Residues Asphalts (BCM)
- Petroleum Roofing Tar (BCM)
- Petromalt the Original Hairball Remedy (Virbac)
- Petronephrin (Hermann Gripp)
- Petro-Phylic (Stiefel Laboratories)
- Petroselinum Injeel (Biologische Heilmittel Heel)
- Petroselinum Injeel Forte (Biologische Heilmittel Heel)
- Petroselinum Sativum (Boiron)
- Petroselinum Sativum (Dolisos)
- Petroselinum Sativum (Homeocan)
- Petroselinum Sativum (Standard Homeopathic)
- Petrosulpho (BCM)
- Petsix (Ipca Laboratories)
- Petydyna (BCM)
- Petylyl (Temmler Pharma)
- Petzinol (BCM)
- Peumus Boldus (Dolisos)
- Pevalip (Janssen)
- Pevaryl (Janssen; Codepharma Laboratoire; Edward Keller; ICN Pharmaceuticals; Johnson & Johnson; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Pacific Pharmaceuticals; Pensa Pharma; Zuellig Pharma)
- Pevaryl Lipogel (Janssen)
- Pevaryl Paste (Janssen)
- Pevaryl TC (Janssen)
- Pevidine (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Pevison (Janssen)