Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Corifin - Decolgen Plus.
Listing of Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Corifin (Raza Manufacturing; Pharmaniaga)
- Coriminic Syrup (Wanbury)
- Corphed (Sandoz)
- Cortigrip Dia / Noche (Medipharm, Chile)
- Coryx Syrup (Mirren)
- Coryx Tablets (Mirren)
- Coryzal (Sanofi-Aventis; Thuan Gia Pharmaceutical Trading)
- Coscold (Cosme Farma Laboratories)
- CoSudafed (GlaxoSmithKline)
- CoSudafed Expectorant (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Cotibin Compuesto (Andromaco Laboratorios)
- Cotibin Dia y Noche (Andromaco Laboratorios)
- Cotrifed (Ratiopharm; Technilab Pharma)
- Cotrifed (Ratiopharm; Technilab Pharma)
- Cough and Flu Syrup (Ratiopharm; Technilab Pharma)
- Cough and Flu Syrup (Ratiopharm; Technilab Pharma)
- Cough Formula Comtrex (Bristol-Myers Squibb)
- Cough Syrup (Stanley Pharmaceuticals)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant (Jamp Pharma)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant (Supplements Aromatik)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant (Vita Health Products)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant (Westcan Pharmaceuticals)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant Expectorant (Jamp Pharma)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant Expectorant (KSL Pharmaceuticals)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant Expectorant (Stanley Pharmaceuticals)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant Expectorant (Supplements Aromatik)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant Expectorant (Westcan Pharmaceuticals)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant Expectorant Extra Strength (Jamp Pharma)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant Expectorant Extra Strength (Supplements Aromatik)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant for Children (Jamp Pharma)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant for Children (KSL Pharmaceuticals)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant for Children (Stanley Pharmaceuticals)
- Cough Syrup DM Decongestant for Children (Supplements Aromatik)
- Cough Syrup DM-D-E (Vita Health Products)
- Cough Syrup DM-D-E (Westcan Pharmaceuticals)
- Cough Syrup with Codeine (Jamp Pharma)
- Cough Syrup with Codeine (Supplements Aromatik)
- Cough Syrup with Codeine, Pseudoephedrine, Guaifenesin (Stanley Pharmaceuticals)
- Cough with Codeine (Rougier Pharma)
- Cough, Cold and Flu Daytime (Vita Health Products)
- Cough, Cold and Flu Nightime (Vita Health Products)
- Cough-EN (Xepa-Soul Pattinson; Grafton Pharmasia; Tack Fung Medical Supplies)
- Cough-EN (Xepa-Soul Pattinson; Apex Pharma Marketing; Grafton Pharmasia; Tack Fung Medical Supplies)
- Coughtex (Amico Laboratories)
- Covan (Pharmascience)
- CPM PSE MSC (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- Crofed (Coronet Crown)
- Cycofed (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- Cycofed Expectorant (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- Cycofed Expectorant Pediatric (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- Cydec (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- Cydec DM (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- CZ-L (Lupin Pharmaceuticals)
- D-Feda II (WE Pharmaceuticals)
- Dallergy-D Capsules (Laser)
- Day and Night Cold and Flu (Pfizer)
- Day and Night Nurse (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Day Cold Comfort (Boots)
- Day Nurse (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Day Relief Cold and Fluuid (Banner Pharmacaps)
- DayQuil (Procter & Gamble)
- DayQuil (Procter & Gamble)
- DayQuil D (Procter & Gamble)
- DayQuil D (Procter & Gamble)
- DayQuil Liquicaps (Procter & Gamble)
- DayQuil Liquicaps (Procter & Gamble)
- DayQuil Medicine (Procter & Gamble)
- DayQuil Medicine (Procter & Gamble)
- DayQuil Sinus and Pain Relief (Procter & Gamble)
- DayQuil Sinus and Pain Relief (Procter & Gamble)
- Daytime Cold / Flu Medicine (Vita Health Products)
- Daytime Cold / Flu Relief (Perrigo)
- Daytime Cold and Flu (Banner Pharmacaps)
- Daytime Cold and Flu (Stanley Pharmaceuticals)
- Daytime Cold and Flu (Vita Health Products)
- Daytime Cold and Flu Medicine (Vita Health Products)
- Daytime Cold and Flu Relief (Perrigo)
- Daytime Cold and Flu Relief (Pharmetics)
- Daytime Cold Medication (Vita Health Products)
- Daytime Cold Relief Extra Strength (Pharmetics)
- Daytime Liquid (Perrigo)
- Daytime Sinus Relief Extra Strength (Pharmetics)
- Daytimeua (Jamp Pharma)
- Decahist-DM (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- Deco Expectorant (Hoe Pharmaceuticals; Harpers Trading)
- Deco Syrup (Hoe Pharmaceuticals; Harpers Trading)
- Decofed (Alpharma; The Harvard Drug Group)
- Decofed (Alpharma; The Harvard Drug Group)
- Decofed-DS (Universal Medikit)
- Decohistine DH (Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals)
- Decohistine Expectorant (Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals)
- Decolfed (Utopian)
- Decolgen (Unam Corporation; Diethelm; Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand)
- Decolgen (Unam Corporation; Diethelm; Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand; Westmont Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Decolgen DE (Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand)
- Decolgen DE (Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand)
- Decolgen Forte PS (United Pharma; Zuellig Pharma)
- Decolgen FX (Unam Corporation; Diethelm; Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand; Westmont Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Decolgen Plus (Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand)
- Decolgen Plus (Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand; Zuellig Pharma)