Pholcodine Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Pholcodine pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- 3P (Beacons Pharmaceuticals)
- Actifed CC Dry (Pfizer)
- Actuss (Sigma Pharmaceuticals)
- Adaphol (Nelson Laboratories)
- Anafebryl Paediatric (JCD Pharmoccitan Laboratoires)
- Antigrip (Pfizer)
- Atouxx (Schwarz Pharma)
- Atouxx Toux Seche (Schwarz Pharma)
- Benylin Children's Dry Coughs (Pfizer)
- Bexol Paediatric (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Biocalyptol (C & L Pharmaceutical)
- Biocalyptol (Wing Wai Trading)
- Biocalyptol (Zambon)
- Biocalyptol (Laphal Industrie; C & L Pharmaceutical; Hyphens Pharma; Wing Wai Trading)
- Biocalyptol S (Laphal Industrie)
- Biocalyptol sans sucre (Zambon)
- Boots Dry Cough Syrup 1 Year Plus (Boots)
- Boots Night Time Cough Relief (Boots)
- Boots Nightime Cough Syrup 1 Year Plus (Boots)
- Boots Nirolex Night Time Cough Relief Linctus (Boots)
- Boots Pharmacy Cold and Flu 24 Hour Capsules (Boots)
- Boots Pharmacy Cold and Flu Day Capsules (Boots)
- Boots Pharmacy Cold and Flu Day Liquid (Boots)
- Boots Pharmacy Cold and Flu Night Capsules (Boots)
- Boots Pharmacy Night Cold and Flu Relief Liquid (Boots)
- Bromofotyl (Nycomed)
- Broncal (Belges Pharmacobel Laboratoires)
- Broncalene (Johnson & Johnson; Tonipharm Laboratoire)
- Broncalene (Johnson & Johnson; Tonipharm Laboratoire)
- Broncalene Adultes (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Tonipharm Laboratoire)
- Broncalene Adultes (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Tonipharm Laboratoire)
- Broncalene Enfantes (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Tonipharm Laboratoire)
- Broncalene Enfantes (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Tonipharm Laboratoire)
- Broncalene sans sucre (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Tonipharm Laboratoire)
- Broncalene sans sucre (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Tonipharm Laboratoire)
- Bronchalene Adults (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Bronchalene Children (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Bronchilate (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Bronchistop (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Broncho-Pectoralis (Medgenix Benelux)
- Broncorinol Toux Seche (Roche)
- Caltoson Balsamico (Rottapharm)
- Care Pholcodine (Thornton & Ross)
- Care Pholcodine (Thornton & Ross)
- Chemists' Own Kiddicol (Chemists' Own; Herron Pharmaceuticals)
- Child sugar free Dry Cough Syrup (Boots)
- Children's 1 Year Plus Dry Cough Syrup (Boots)
- Children's Dry Cough Syrup One Year Plus (Boots)
- Childryl (Mandar Pharmaceutical)
- Clarix (Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise)
- Clarix sans sucre (Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise)
- Codisol (BCM)
- Codisol ()
- Codotussyl Pastilles (Wyeth)
- Codotussyl Toux Seche Syrup (Wyeth)
- Codylin (BCM)
- Codylin ()
- Cold Relief Daytime (Unichem, United Kingdom)
- Cold Relief Night-Time (Unichem, United Kingdom)
- Cold Relief Night-Time (Unichem, United Kingdom)
- Contra-Coff (Universal Pharmaceuticals)
- Copholco (Roche; Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Copholco (Roche; Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Copholcoids (Roche; Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Copholcoids (Roche; Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Cough Nurse (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Cough Nurse Night Time Liquid (GlaxoSmithKline; Boots)
- Cough Nurse Night Time Liquid (GlaxoSmithKline; Boots)
- Davenol (Wyeth)
- Day and Night Nurse (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Day Cold Comfort (Boots)
- Day Nurse (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Decongestant Cough Elixir Junior (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Delix (Grafton Pharmasia)
- Demazin Cough and Cold (Schering-Plough)
- Denoral Syrup (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Denoral Syrup, France (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Dhacodine (Drug Houses of Australia; JDH Pharmaceutical)
- Dhacodine (Drug Houses of Australia; IDS Group; JDH Pharmaceutical)
- Dia-Tuss (Merck)
- Difflam Anti-inflammatory Lozenges with Cough Suppressant (3M)
- Difflam Anti-inflammatory Lozenges with Cough Suppressant (3M; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Difflam Cough (3M)
- Difflam Cough (3M; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Dimetane sans sucre (Wyeth; Leurquin Mediolanum Laboratoire)
- Dimetane sans sucre (Wyeth; Leurquin Mediolanum Laboratoire)
- Dimetane, France (Wyeth)
- Docsed (Aspen Pharmacare)
- Ducodin (Hovid)
- Ducodin Forte (Hovid)
- Duro-Tuss (3M; Zuellig Pharma)
- Duro-Tuss (3M; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Duro-Tuss Cough Lozenges (3M)
- Duro-Tuss Decongestant (3M)
- Duro-Tuss Decongestant (3M; Agencia Lei Va Hong; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Duro-Tuss Dry Cough Liquid Plus Nasal Decongestant (3M)
- Duro-Tuss Dry Cough Lozenges (3M; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Duro-Tuss Expectorant (3M)
- Duro-Tuss Expectorant (3M; Agencia Lei Va Hong; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Duro-Tuss Forte (3M; Agencia Lei Va Hong; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)