Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Decolgen No-Drowse - Dimetapp Expectorante.
Listing of Phenylephrine Hydrochloride pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Decolgen No-Drowse (United Laboratories; Westmont Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Decolgen Non Drowse (Westmont Pharmaceuticals; Far East Drug; Zuellig Pharma)
- Decolgen Prin (Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand)
- Decolgen Prin (Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand; Zuellig Pharma)
- Decolgen Siroa (United Pharma; Zuellig Pharma)
- Decolgen Tablets (Far East Drug)
- Decomic (Klar Sehen)
- Decon (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Decongestabs (Parmed Pharmaceuticals)
- Decongestant (Moore Medical Corporation)
- Decongestant (Watson Pharmaceuticals)
- Decongestant Antihistaminic Syrup (Pharmascience)
- Decongestant Capsules (Boots)
- Decongestant Eye Drops (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Decongestant Nasal Spray (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Decongestant SR (Novartis)
- Decongex Plus (Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos)
- Decongex Plus Expectorante (Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos)
- Deconhist LA (IVAX)
- Deconsal II (Cornerstone Biopharma)
- Deconsal II (Cornerstone Therapeutics)
- Deconsal Sprinkle (Adams Laboratories)
- Degoran C (Novartis)
- Degoran Cough (Novartis)
- Degoran Effervescent Tablets (Novartis)
- Degoran Plus (Novartis)
- Dehistine (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- Deltamidrina (Tubilux Pharma)
- Deltar (Phoenix Laboratorios)
- Demol (Nitin Pharmaceuticals)
- Denason (Greenpharma Quimica e Farmaceutica)
- Dequa-Flu (Aspen Pharmacare)
- Dequin (Degort's Chemical)
- Dequin (Degort's Chemical)
- Desalfa Ophthalmic Ointment (Industria Terapeutica Splendore)
- Desalfa Ophthalmic Solution (Industria Terapeutica Splendore)
- Descongestivo Cuve Nasal (Calmante Vitaminado)
- Desenfriol D (Schering-Plough)
- Desenfriol Decongestivo (Schering-Plough)
- Desenfriol Infantil (Schering-Plough)
- Desenfriol-Ito Plus (Schering-Plough)
- Dethaphrine (Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries)
- Dexa Const (Faes Farma)
- Dexabiotan in der Ophtiole (Dr. Gerhard Mann)
- Dexabiotan in der Ophtiole (Dr. Gerhard Mann)
- Dexafed Cough (Shire)
- Dexafrin (Sophia Laboratorios)
- Dexamida (Faes Farma)
- Dexcon-DM (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- Dexcon-PE (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- Dexefrin (Fischer Pharmaceuticals)
- Dexeryl (Yik Kwan Pharmaceuticals)
- Dexeryl (Pascual Laboratories)
- Dextrosin Tablets (Otto Pharmaceutical Industries)
- DF Expectorant NP (Merck)
- DF Multi-Symptom (Merck)
- Dignowell (Sankyo)
- Dilotab II (Zee Medical)
- Dimacol (Wyeth)
- Dimaxin (Medipharma, Hong Kong)
- Dimaxin (Medipharma, Hong Kong)
- Dime-Time (Sheraton Worldwide Drugs)
- Dimerrin (Unison Laboratories; JustRight Pharmaceuticals)
- Dimeta-2 (Christo Pharmaceuticals; Polywell)
- Dimetane Decongestant (Wyeth)
- Dimetane Expect (Wyeth)
- Dimetane Expect DC (Wyeth)
- Dimetane Expectorant (Wyeth)
- Dimetane Expectorant C (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetane Expectorant DC (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetane Expectorant-C (Wyeth)
- Dimetane Expectorant-DC (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Chewables for Kids (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Chewables for Kids (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Cold (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Cold (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Cold and Sinus (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Cold and Sinus (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Colour Free Infant Drops (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Colour Free Infant Drops (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM Cold and Cough (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM Cold and Cough (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM Colour Free Paediatric Drops (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM Colour Free Paediatric Drops (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM Cough and Cold (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM Cough and Cold (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Dm Elixir (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM Paediatric Drops (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM Paediatric Drops (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DM, Australia (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DR (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp DR (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Elixir (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Elixir (Pfizer; Wyeth; Zuellig Pharma)
- Dimetapp Elixir-Plus (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Elixir-Plus (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Expectorante (Wyeth)
- Dimetapp Expectorante (Pfizer; Wyeth)