Oxytetracycline Dihydrate Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Oxytetracycline Dihydrate pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Cyclosol LA (Eurovet Animal Health)
- Duraciclina (Bayer)
- Hexasol (Norbrook Laboratories)
- Noromycin LA (Norbrook Laboratories)
- Oxymycine LA (Wyeth)
- Oxymycine LA (Pfizer; Wyeth)
- Oxyvet LA (Vetoquinol; P.V.U.)
- Oxyvet LA (Vetoquinol; P.V.U.)
- Tetradure LA (Norbrook Laboratories)
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- Otopreven (Fortbenton Laboratorio Farmaceutico)
- Otoralgyl (Sanofi-Aventis; F. Uhlmann-Eyraud; Johnson & Johnson)
- Otoralgyl a la Phenylephrine (Johnson & Johnson)
- Otoralgyl Sulfamide (Johnson & Johnson)
- Otorinazol (Disprofarma)
- Oto-Rinil (Faria Laboratorio Farmaceutico)
- Otormon F Femminile (Farmades)
- Otorrilan (Ifidesa Aristegui)
- Otosal (Coup)
- Otosamthong (SM Pharmaceutcal)
- Otosan (G. Streuli)
- Otosan Natural Ear Drops (Otosan)
- Otosat (Grupo Vita / Vita Cientifica)
- Otos-Bosan B7 (Professional Health Products)
- Otosedol (Pensa, Spain)
- Otosedol Biotico (Pensa, Spain)
- Otoseptil (Instituto Sanitas)
- Otoseptil (Roux-Ocefa Laboratorios)
- Otoseptil (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Otosil (Silom Medical)
- Otosmo (Ifidesa Aristegui)
- Otosone-F (BCM)
- Otosporin (GlaxoSmithKline; Farmoquimica; Pfizer)
- Otosporin Ciprofloxacina (Medac Farmaceutica)
- Otosporin GS (Medac Farmaceutica)
- Otosporin L (Medac Farmaceutica)
- Otospray (Doetsch Grether)
- Otosulf (Millet Roux Produtos Farmaceuticos)
- Otosynalar (Roche)
- Oto-Synalar N (Janssen)
- Otothricinol (Plan Laboratoires)
- Oto-Vitna (Quimifar Laboratorio)
- Otovix (Instituto Brasileiro de Especialid Farmac)
- Otovowen (Weber & Weber)
- Otowaxol (Norgine)
- Otozambon (Zambon)
- Otradrops (Manx Healthcare)
- Otradrops Adult (Manx Healthcare)
- Otradrops Paediatric (Manx Healthcare)
- Otrasel (Cephalon; Lafon Laboratoires)
- Otraspray (Manx Healthcare)
- Otreon (Sankyo)
- O-Trexat (Onkoworks Gesellschaft zur Herstellung und Vertrieb Onkologischer Spezialpraparate)
- Otria 25 (BCM)
- Otriduo Schnupfen (Novartis)
- Otriflu (Novartis)
- Otrimer (Novartis)
- Otrinol (Novartis)
- Otrisal (Novartis; Gebro Pharma)
- Otrisalin (Novartis)