Oxilofrine Hydrochloride Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Oxilofrine Hydrochloride pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Carnigen (Sanofi-Aventis; Cassella-Med)
- Carnigen (Sanofi-Aventis; Cassella-Med)
- Carnigen Forte (Sanofi-Aventis; Cassella-Med)
- Carnigen Forte (Sanofi-Aventis; Cassella-Med)
- Diben-Amid (Heumann Pharma)
- Ticarda (Sanofi-Aventis)
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- Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Entwasserungstee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Grippe-Tee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Husten-Bronchialtee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Leber-Gallentee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Magen-Darm-Tee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Nerven-Schlaf-Tee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Nieren-Blasentee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Tee fur Stillende Mutter (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Krauterexpress-Wechseltee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Leber-Gallentee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Magen und Darmtee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas May-Cur-Tee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Nerven-Beruhigungstee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Nieren-Blasentee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Schlaftee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Tee fur stillende Mutter (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Kottas Wechseltee (Kottas-Heldenberg Mag. R.U. Sohn)
- Mag Phos (Biocentre)
- Mag Phos (Standard Homeopathic)
- Mag Phos Schuessler Cell Salt Homaccord (Naturpharm)
- Mag-200 (Optimox Corporation)
- Magadon (BCM)
- Mag-A-Folic (Metagenics)
- Magagel (Genpharm Pharmaceuticals)
- Magalan (Novartis)
- Magalba (Adcock Ingram)
- Magaldrat (Betapharm Arzneimittel)
- Magaldrat (CT-Arzneimittel)
- Magaldrat (Ratiopharm)
- Magalite (Codifra Laboratoires)
- Magalox Plus (Novartis)
- Magalphil (Queisser Pharma; Philopharm)
- Magan (Altana Pharma)
- Magasan (Gastropharm Arzneimittel)
- Magastron (1 A Pharma)
- Magbond (BCM)
- Magcal (BCM)
- Mag-Cal Mega (Freeda Vitamins)
- Magcal Plus (Blackmores)
- Mag-Caps (Genesis Pharmaceuticals)
- Mag-Carb (Watson Pharmaceuticals)
- Mag-CE (Asofarma Laboratorios)
- Magchem 100 (BCM)
- Mag-Citrate (Tanta Pharmaceuticals)
- Magcol (Central Poly Trading)
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- Mag-D-Cal 1:1 (Professional Health Products)
- Magecol (BCM)
- Magel (Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries)
- Magen und Darmtee N (Abtswinder Naturheilmittel)