Menthol Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Pasodryl - Pinimenthol Erkaltungssalbe.
Listing of Menthol pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Pasodryl (Daniel Pasteur)
- Passaja (Farmabraz Beta Atalaia Farmaceutica)
- Pasta Iodoformica Radiopaca (Giovanni Ogna & Figli)
- Pasta Iodoformica Radiopaca (Giovanni Ogna & Figli)
- Pastiglie Valda (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Pastilhas Valda (Canonne Laboratorio)
- Pastillas Antisep Garg L (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastillas Antisep Garg L (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastillas Antisep Garg M (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastillas Antisep Garg M (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastillas Juanola (Farma Lepori)
- Pastillas Koki Ment Tiro (Calmante Vitaminado)
- Pastillas Medex (Sidus Laboratorios)
- Pastillas Vicks Limon (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastillas Vicks Limon (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastillas Vicks Mentol (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastillas Vicks Mentol (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastilles Bronchiques S Nouvelle Formule (Hanseler)
- Pastilles M.B.C (Novartis)
- Pastilles Medicinales Vicks (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastilles Medicinales Vicks (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastilles Pectorales Demo N (Democal)
- Pastilles Pectorales Formule 541 (Renapharm)
- Pastilles Valda (Bayer Schering Pharma; Valda Laboratorios)
- Pastilles Valda (Bayer Schering Pharma; Valda Laboratorios)
- Patar Lotion (Patar Lab)
- Patarpain Analgesic Balm (Patar Lab)
- Pate Iodoforme du Prof. Dr. Walkhoff (Medidenta)
- Pazbronquial (Cinfa)
- Peale Gel (Cadila Pharmaceuticals; IRM Pharma)
- Pecsil (Phapharco)
- Pectoids (Celltech)
- Pectramin (G. Streuli)
- Pectramin (G. Streuli)
- Pectylin-C (Ipca Laboratories)
- Pectylin-PD (Ipca Laboratories)
- Pedex (Wockhardt)
- Pedex-S (Wockhardt)
- Pedi-Lotion (Mediphar)
- Pedi-Lotion Powder (Mediphar)
- Pedi-Pro (Pedinol Pharmacal)
- Pedicof-D (Ordain Health Care)
- Pedisol Deodorant (Fischer Pharmaceuticals)
- Pedisol Spray (Fischer Pharmaceuticals)
- Pelarol Lotion (Qualiphar)
- Pelarol Ointment (Qualiphar)
- Penetrating Rub (Golden Pride; Rawleigh)
- Penetrating Rub (Golden Pride; Rawleigh)
- Penetro Inhalation (Daudt Oliveira Laboratorio)
- Penetro Solution (Daudt Oliveira Laboratorio)
- Penetrol Inhalation (SSL International)
- Penetrol Lozenges (SSL International)
- Penhist (Vensat Bio)
- Penta (Fonte)
- Peppermint Field Balm Stick (Bertram Chemical 1982)
- Peppermint Field Balm Stick Green Tea Scent (Bertram Chemical 1982)
- Peppermint Field Gel (Bertram Chemical 1982)
- Peppermint Field Gel Green Tea Scent (Bertram Chemical 1982)
- Perflamint (Dr. R. Pfleger)
- Perflamint (Dr. R. Pfleger)
- Perform (Finest Health Products)
- Pernicream (Salusa)
- Perozon Erkaltungsbad (Sanova Pharma)
- Perskindol (Zuellig Pharma)
- Perskindol (Pharma-Singer; Zuellig Pharma)
- Perskindol Classic (Pharma-Singer)
- Perskindol Classic (Pharma-Singer; Zuellig Pharma)
- Perskindol Cool (Pharma-Singer)
- Perskindol Cool (Pharma-Singer; Zuellig Pharma)
- Pfefferminz-Lysoform (Lysoform Dr. Hans Rosemann)
- Pfefferminz-Lysoform (Lysoform Dr. Hans Rosemann)
- Pfeiffer's Cold Sore (Pfeiffer Company)
- Pharcochol (Pharco Pharmaceuticals)
- Pharmacard Family Maux de Gorge (Pharmacard Family Astral)
- Pharmacists Creme (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Pharmacists Lotion (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Pharmalyn (Pharma Plus)
- Phenephrin (Nelson Laboratories)
- Physi-Cold (Centre de Recherches en Medication Naturelle)
- Physio-Rub (Distribution L. Hebert)
- Physio-Rub (Distribution L. Hebert)
- Physiomenthol (Distribution L. Hebert)
- Physiomenthol (Distribution L. Hebert)
- Physiorub Plus (Distribution L. Hebert)
- Physiorub Plus (Distribution L. Hebert)
- Phytocil Cream (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Phytorub (BCM)
- Phytorub ()
- Phytorub Ont (Produits Phyto)
- Pik Gel (Amnol Chimica Biologica)
- Pin-Alcol (Schoning Pharmazeutische Praparate)
- Piniment (Austroplant Arzneimittel)
- Piniment Bath Additive (Austroplant Arzneimittel)
- Pinimenthol (Piniol)
- Pinimenthol (Rovi Laboratorios)
- Pinimenthol (W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik)
- Pinimenthol Erkaltungsbad (W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik)
- Pinimenthol Erkaltungsbad (W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik)
- Pinimenthol Erkaltungssalbe (W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik)
- Pinimenthol Erkaltungssalbe (W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik)