Mecobalamin Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Mecobalamin pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Acinetil Bebible (Grunenthal)
- Alcrin-M (Anglo French Laboratories)
- Algobaz (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Asimil B12 (Torlan Laboratorios)
- Cobaldocemetil (Clariana Pico)
- Cobamet (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Cobametin (BCM)
- Dolo Nervobion (Merck)
- Enoton (Pensa, Spain)
- Hitocobamin (Union Medical, Thailand)
- Mecovit (Cipla)
- Methycobal (Eisai; TRB Pharma; Wockhardt)
- Metilema (Hortel)
- Myelogen (Panacea Biotec)
- Neuromet (Merck)
- Neuromethyn (Zyfas Medical)
- Sicobal (Siam Pharmaceutical)
- Vancomin (BCM)
Latest Popular Site Searches
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- Celloid Compounds Magcal Plus (Blackmores)
- Celloid Compounds Sodical Plus (Blackmores)
- Celloidin (BCM)
- Celloids CF 43 (Blackmores)
- Celloids CP 57 (Blackmores)
- Celloids CS 36 (Blackmores)
- Celloids IP 82 (Blackmores)
- Celloids MP 65 (Blackmores)
- Celloids PC 73 (Blackmores)
- Celloids PP 85 (Blackmores)
- Celloids PS 29 (Blackmores)
- Celloids S 79 (Blackmores)
- Celloids SP 96 (Blackmores)
- Celloids SS 69 (Blackmores)
- Cellopt (Terra Botanica Products)
- Cellosize (BCM)
- Cellosize 4400H16 (BCM)
- Cellosize QP (BCM)
- Cellosize QP 1500 (BCM)
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- Cellosize WPO 9H17 (BCM)
- Cellosorb (Fournier; Urgo Laboratoires)
- Cellothyl (BCM)
- Cellpro (Foodscience Laboratories)
- Cellskin Serum, Serum C + E, Hydragel B (Fedele)
- Cellskinlab C + AHA CKL (Dispolab Farmaceutica)
- Cellskinlab C + E CKL (Dispolab Farmaceutica)
- Cellskinlab Eye Cream CKL (Dispolab Farmaceutica)
- Cellskinlab Hydragel B5 CKL (Dispolab Farmaceutica)
- Cellskinlab Serum 15 CKL (Dispolab Farmaceutica)
- Cellsparc (Aim International)
- Cellsparc 360 (Aim International)
- Celltech (Recalcine Laboratorios)
- Celltech Gold (Recalcine Laboratorios)
- Celltop (Baxter)
- Cellucor (Magis Farmaceutici)