Magnesium Hydroxide Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Cremaffin - Emgesan.
Listing of Magnesium Hydroxide pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Cremaffin (Abbott Laboratories)
- Cremaffin Plus (Abbott Laboratories)
- Cremaffin White (Abbott Laboratories)
- Daffolac-P (Daffohils Pharma)
- Dancid-MPS (Daniel Pasteur)
- Defomil (Nakornpatana Pharm)
- Delcid (Casca Remedies)
- Delta Charcoal (Sriprasit Dispensary)
- Delta Charcoal (Sriprasit)
- Deopens (Brunel Laboratories)
- Dermagran II Magnesium Hydroxide (Canderm Pharma)
- Dermagran II Ointment (Trans Canaderm; Canadian Medical Supply; Canderm Pharma)
- Dermagran II Ointment (Trans Canaderm; Canadian Medical Supply; Canderm Pharma)
- Dexanta (Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem)
- Dextoma (Arkopharma Laboratoires)
- Di-Gel (Schering-Plough)
- Di-Gel Forte (Schering-Plough)
- Di-Gel Suspension (Schering-Plough)
- Di-Gel Tablets (Schering-Plough)
- Dicaine (Ultramark Healthcare)
- Dicalvon (Systa Labs)
- Digastril (Brasmedica Industrias Farmaceuticas)
- Digecool (Biosync Pharmaceuticals)
- Digel (Aristopharma)
- Digene (Abbott Laboratories)
- Digene Gel (Abbott Laboratories)
- Digene Tablets (Abbott; Knoll; Ranbaxy)
- Digesnorma (Instituto Nacional de Quimioterapia)
- Digest-Eze (Drug Houses of Australia)
- Digestif Marga (Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise)
- Digestivo Dr. Ragionieri (Dr. R. R. Ragionieri)
- Digiflux (Agio Pharmaceuticals)
- Dijex (Boots)
- Dijex Liquid (SSL International)
- Dimalan (Pfizer)
- Dimedon (Acdhon)
- Diovol (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner; Forest Laboratories; U.S. Summit; Wallace Pharmaceuticals)
- Diovol (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner; Forest Laboratories; U.S. Summit; Wallace Pharmaceuticals)
- Diovol Caplets (Church & Dwight)
- Diovol Caplets (Church & Dwight)
- Diovol EX (Carter Horner)
- Diovol EX Extra Strength Formula (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner)
- Diovol EX Extra Strength Formula (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner)
- Diovol Forte (Wallace Pharmaceuticals)
- Diovol Forte DGL (Wallace Pharmaceuticals)
- Diovol Liquid (Church & Dwight)
- Diovol Liquid (Church & Dwight)
- Diovol Mint (Wallace Pharmaceuticals)
- Diovol Plus (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner; U.S. Summit)
- Diovol Plus (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner; U.S. Summit)
- Diovol Plus AF (Church & Dwight)
- Diovol Plus AF (Church & Dwight)
- Diovol Plus Suspension (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner; U.S. Summit)
- Diovol Plus Suspension (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner; U.S. Summit)
- Diovol Suspension (Carter Horner)
- Diovol Suspension (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner; U.S. Summit)
- Diovollet (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner)
- Diovollet (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner)
- Diovoluid (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner)
- Diovoluid (Church & Dwight; Carter Horner)
- Disfrutab (Maver Laboratorios)
- Disilox-MPS (Stadmed)
- Disocain (Concept Pharmaceuticals)
- Disogel (Concept Pharmaceuticals)
- Dissowel (Union Drug Laboratories)
- Diteutrin (Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio)
- Ditopax Chewable Tablets, Argentina (Schering-Plough)
- Ditopax Chewable Tablets, Chile (Schering-Plough; Essex)
- Ditopax Oral Suspension, Argentina (Schering-Plough; Key Pharma)
- Ditopax Oral Suspension, Chile (Schering-Plough; Essex)
- Ditopax Oral Suspension, Mexico (Schering-Plough)
- Ditopax Tablets, Mexico (Schering-Plough)
- Ditopax-F (Schering-Plough)
- Ditosil Oral Suspension (Schering-Plough)
- Ditosil Plus (Schering-Plough)
- Ditosil Tablets (Schering-Plough)
- Diurenal (Les Laboratoires Vachon)
- Dogood (Dong Nam)
- Dologastrine (Gifrer Barbezat Laboratoires)
- Dops (Fuca Laboratoire; Hepatoum Laboratoire)
- Dops (Fuca Laboratoire)
- Double Action Indigestion (Boots)
- Droxaine (Daudt Oliveira Laboratorio)
- Droxyl (Pharmaland 1982)
- Duhor (BCM)
- Duhor ()
- Duhor N (BCM)
- Duhor N ()
- Dulcolax Liquid, United States (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Duolaxin (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals)
- Duoventrinetten N (Pharma Schworer)
- Durazidum (Merck)
- Easylax (Cipla)
- Eatcal Forte (Lifeline Biotech)
- Ebson RF (BCM)
- Ebson RF ()
- Embesil (Abbott Laboratories)
- Emerjel Plus (Pharmetics)
- Emgesan (Algol Pharma; Recip, Sweden)
- Emgesan (Algol Pharma; Recip, Sweden)