Hepatitis B Immune Globulin Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Hepatitis B Immune Globulin pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Antib (Biogam Argentina)
- Antihep (Microgen NPO; Biomed, Russia; Combiotech)
- Antihep (Microgen NPO; Biomed, Russia; Combiotech)
- Aunativ (Pfizer; Octapharma)
- Aunativ (Pfizer; Octapharma)
- Aunativ Immunglobulin Anti-Hepatitis-B (Pfizer; Octapharma)
- Aunativ Immunglobulin Anti-Hepatitis-B (Pfizer; Octapharma)
- Aunative (Pfizer; Jorba)
- Aunative (Pfizer; Jorba)
- BayHep (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- BayHep B (Bayer Schering Pharma; Zuellig Pharma)
- BayHep B (Bayer Schering Pharma; Zuellig Pharma)
- Gamma Antihepatitis B (Grifols)
- Gamma Glob Antihepa B (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Gammaglob Antihepatitis BP (ZLB Behring)
- Gammaprotect (Biotest Pharma)
- Glogama Antihepatitis B (Celltech)
- Haimabig (Nuovo Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese)
- Hebagam IM (Natal Bioproducts Institute)
- Hebsbulin-IH (Mitsubishi-Tokyo Pharmaceuticals)
- Hep-B-Gammagee (Merck)
- Hepabig (Propharm, Malaysia)
- Hepabig (Green Cross Corporation; Berna; GenBiotech; Propharm, Malaysia; VHB Pharmaceuticals; Vizcarra Pharmaceutical)
- Hepaglob (Sun Pharmaceutical Industries)
- Hepaglobin (Tropon)
- Hepatect (Biotest; Boehringer Ingelheim; Chong Lap H.K.; Margalit; Reg Pharma; United Drug)
- Hepatect (Biotest; Boehringer Ingelheim; Chong Lap H.K.; Margalit; Reg Pharma; United Drug)
- Hepatobulina (Landerlan)
- Hepuman (Berna; Diethelm; Docpharma; Edward Keller)
- Hepuman (Berna; Diethelm; Docpharma; Edward Keller)
- Hepuman B (Berna)
- Igantibe (Grifols)
- Igantibe (Grifols; DKSH)
- ImmunoHBs (Kedrion)
- ImmunoHBs (Kedrion; Biogenetech)
- Nabi-HB (Nabi Biopharmaceuticals)
- Neohepatect (Biotest Italia)
- Uman-Big (Kedrion)
- Venbig (Kedrion)