Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Vaccine Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Vaccine pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Pedvax HIB (Novartis; Merck)
- Pedvax HIB (Novartis; Merck)
- PedvaxHIB (Novartis; BLH Trading; Chiron; Merck; Sanofi-Aventis)
- PedvaxHIB (Novartis; BLH Trading; Chiron; Merck; Sanofi-Aventis)
- Vaxem-HIB (Chiron; Biogenetech; IVAX; Novartis)
- Vaxem-HIB (Chiron; Biogenetech; IVAX; Novartis; Zuellig Pharma)
Latest Popular Site Searches
- Vetriderm Shampoo Cuidados Intensivos (Bayer)
- Vetriderm Shampoo Hipoalergenico (Bayer)
- Vetrimoxin (Ceva Sante Animale)
- Vetrolin (American Equine Products)
- Vetropolycin (Janssen)
- Vetropolycin HC (Janssen)
- Vetuss HC (Cypress Pharmaceutical)
- Vetzyme Veterinary Yeast (Phillips Yeast Products)
- Vetzyme Zemol (Phillips Yeast Products)
- Vevesca (BCM)
- Vexa CD (Chile Laboratorios)
- Vexol (Alcon; Allphar Services)
- Vexolon (Alcon)
- Vexor (Zydus Cadila)
- Vexurat (Mentinova)
- Veybirol-Tyrothyricine (Pierre Fabre)
- Vfend (Pfizer; Heinrich Mack Nachfolger)
- VG Capsules (Medical Products Panamericana)
- V-Gan (Shire)
- VH + H120 (Novartis)
- Vi Plex (Riva Laboratoire)
- VI Polysaccharide Typhoid Vaccine (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Vi Rid-Ready (Geritrex)
- Vi Sorbin (Pfizer)
- Vi-A (BCM)
- Via Mal (Altana Pharma)
- Via Mal Traumagel (Altana Pharma)
- Viaben (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Viabom (Companhia Portuguesa Higiene)
- Viacin (Aspen Pharmacare)
- Viactiv (Mead Johnson Nutritionals)
- Viactiv Soft Chews (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals)
- Viacutan (BCM)
- Viadent Anti-Plaque Liquid (Colgate-Palmolive; Carter Horner)
- Viadent Anti-Plaque Oral Rinse (Colgate-Palmolive)
- Viadent Antiplaque Toothpaste (Vipont Laboratories)
- Viadent Anti-Plaque Toothpaste with Fluoride (Colgate-Palmolive)
- Viaderm KC (Taro Pharmaceuticals; AFT Pharmaceuticals)
- Viadetres (A.S.A.C. Pharma)
- Viadil (Pharma Investi de Chile)
- Viadil (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Viadil Compuesto (Pharma Investi de Chile)
- Viadil Forte (Pharma Investi de Chile)
- Viadur (Bayer Schering Pharma; ALZA)
- Viafen (Novartis)
- Viafurox (Fada Pharma)
- Viaggio (Vifor)
- Viagra (Pfizer)
- Vialebex (LFB Biomedicaments)
- Vialidon (BCM)