Guaiacol Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Guaiastil - Zynedo-K.
Listing of Guaiacol pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Guaiastil ()
- Guajol (BCM)
- Guajol ()
- Guasol (BCM)
- Guasol ()
- Guayalin (Profesional Medica Farcoral)
- Guayalin-Plus (Profesional Medica Farcoral)
- Gulamyl (Elpen)
- Inopectol (Nycomed)
- Lactocol (Giovanni Ogna & Figli)
- Lactocol (Giovanni Ogna & Figli)
- Liberol (Galactina)
- Lipobalsamo (Teofarma)
- Maboterpen Suppositories (Mabo Farma)
- Massubal (Dermopen Divisao Farmaceutica)
- Methagual (Gordon Laboratories)
- Nady Antuss (Nadyphar)
- Osomol 3 (Pierre Rolland Laboratoire)
- Osomol 4 (Pierre Rolland Laboratoire)
- Otocaina (Stabilimento Chimico Farmaceutico Mendelejeff)
- Otormon F Femminile (Farmades)
- Ozonyl (Gross Laboratorio)
- Pastilles Valda (Bayer Schering Pharma; Valda Laboratorios)
- Pastilles Valda (Bayer Schering Pharma; Valda Laboratorios)
- Pastiserol (Bailly-Creat Laboratoire)
- Pulmo Bailly (Bailly-Creat Laboratoire; Diomed Developments; Roche)
- Pulmo Bailly (Bailly-Creat Laboratoire; Diomed Developments; Roche)
- Pulmo Grey Balsam (Reig Jofre)
- Pulmo Hidratol (Sur de Espana)
- Pulmo Septol Sirop (Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante)
- Pulmobailly (Bailly-Creat Laboratoire)
- Pulmoserum (Bailly-Creat Laboratoire)
- Pulmoserum (Bailly-Creat Laboratoire; Sanpromex)
- Pulmosirum Decongestionnant (Nutribon 1986)
- Pulmosirum Expectorant (Nutribon 1986)
- Rectoseptal-Neo Pholcodine (Actipharm)
- Resina Carbolica Dentilin (Ghimas)
- Rockles (Septodont)
- Sedatuss (Trianon Laboratories)
- Sirop Boin (Laboratoires des Produits Picot)
- Spirogel (Labor Worndli)
- Tieucaly Adults Suppositories (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Tieucaly Children Suppositories (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Tos Mai (Alcala Farma)
- Transpulmin (Viatris; Asta Medica; Baxter)
- Transpulmin Balsamo (Asta Medica)
- Transpulmin Suppositories (Asta Medica)
- Tripulmin Balsamico (Hexal)
- Tripulmin Ointment (Hexal)
- Valda (GlaxoSmithKline; Bayer Schering Pharma; Canonne Laboratorio)
- Valda (GlaxoSmithKline; Bayer Schering Pharma; Canonne Laboratorio)
- Valda Irritations de la Gorge (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Valda Irritations de la Gorge sans sucre (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Valda Lemon Flavoured (GlaxoSmithKline; Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Valda Lemon Flavoured (GlaxoSmithKline; Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Valda Pastilles (GlaxoSmithKline; Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Valda Pastilles (GlaxoSmithKline; Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Valda Pastilles Lemon Flavoured (GlaxoSmithKline; Valda Laboratorios)
- Valda Pastilles Lemon Flavoured (GlaxoSmithKline; Valda Laboratorios)
- Valda sans sucre (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Waterbury's Compound (Pfizer)
- Zynedo-B (Biokanol Pharma)
- Zynedo-K (Biokanol Pharma)