Fluorine (Sodium Fluoride) Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Fluorine (Sodium Fluoride) pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Decan (Baxter; Aguettant)
- Fluosterol (Crinex Laboratoires)
- Nonan (Baxter; Aguettant)
- Oligosol Fluor Sol Buv (Labcatal Laboratoire; Pharmafactory)
- Peditrace (Fresenius; Baxter; Diethelm; DKSH; Perrigo; Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma)
- Zymafluor (Novartis; Gebro Pharma; Zuellig Pharma)
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- Trommcardin (Jacoby Pharmazeutika)
- Trommcardin K 120 (Jacoby Pharmazeutika)
- Trommgallol (Jacoby Pharmazeutika)
- Tromos (Alypsis)
- Trompersantin (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Tromphyllin (Trommsdorff Arzneimittel)
- Tromphyllin Retard (Trommsdorff Arzneimittel)
- Tromscillan (Trommsdorff Arzneimittel)
- Trona Muriate of Potash (BCM)
- Trona Potassium Chloride (BCM)
- Tronamang (BCM)
- Tronan (Roche)
- Troneo (TNP Health Care)
- Tronex (Tocogino Laboratorios)
- Tronolane Cream (Lee Pharmaceuticals)
- Tronolane Suppositories (Ross Products)
- Tronotene (Teofarma)
- Tronothane (Abbott; Lisapharm Laboratoire)
- Tronox (BCM)
- Tronoxal (Almirall)
- Tronsalan (Medipharm, Chile)
- Tropaeolum Majus (Boiron)
- Tropaeolum Majus (Dolisos)
- Tropaeolum Majus (Homeocan)
- Tropaeolum Majus (Standard Homeopathic)
- Tropamine (Chiron)
- Tropargal (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Troparin (Biochemie)
- Troparin Compositum (Biochemie)
- Troparinum (Extractum Pharma)
- Tropaverin (Etifar Laboratorios Eticos-Farmaceuticos)
- Tropax (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Tropergen (Goldshield Pharmaceuticals)
- Tropex (Rowa Pharmaceuticals; Jacobson Medical; JDH Pharmaceutical)
- Tropfen gegen Insektenstiche (Jacoby Pharmazeutika)
- Tropfen gegen Prostatabeschwerden (Jacoby Pharmazeutika)
- Tropfen gegen Venenbeschwerden (Jacoby Pharmazeutika)
- Trophamine 10% (B. Braun; Biomed, New Zealand; Pisa Laboratorios)
- Tropharma (Alpharma Laboratorios)
- Trophicard (Dr. Franz Kohler Chemie)
- Trophicardyl (BCM)
- Trophicreme (Sanofi-Aventis; Grunenthal)
- Trophiderm (Brothier Laboratoires)
- Trophigil (Grunenthal; Lyocentre Laboratoires)
- Trophires Capsules (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Trophires Compose (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Trophires Compose Adultes (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Trophires Compose Enfantes (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Trophires Compose Nourrissons (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Trophires Nasal Drops (Sanofi-Aventis)