Eucalyptol Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Eucalyptine Adultes - Rhino-Vaccin.
Listing of Eucalyptol pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Eucalyptine Adultes (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Johnson & Johnson)
- Eucalyptine Adultes (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Johnson & Johnson)
- Eucalyptine Enfantes (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Johnson & Johnson)
- Eucalyptine Enfantes (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Johnson & Johnson)
- Eucalyptine le Brun (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Johnson & Johnson)
- Eucalyptine le Brun (Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Janssen; Johnson & Johnson; Mega Lifesciences)
- Eucalyptus Oil (R.W. Packaging)
- Eucalyptyl (Nadyphar)
- Eucapur (BCM)
- Eucapur ()
- Eucatol (Boston Pharma)
- Eucatol Forte (Boston Pharma)
- Eucatopdein (Hataphar)
- Eugica Capsules (DHG Pharmaceutical)
- Eugica Fort (DHG Pharmaceutical)
- Eugica Syrup (DHG Pharmaceutical)
- Eugintol (SPM)
- Eugintol Fresh (SPM)
- Flufume (F.T. Pharma)
- Formule 12 (Lancelot Biotech)
- Fresh Taste Antiseptic Mouthwash (Scott Chemical)
- Freshgum (OPV)
- Genvol Plus (Cadila Pharmaceuticals)
- Glenalgesic Forte (Vitaminerals)
- Glyco-Thymoline 55 (SERP Laboratoire)
- Hexapneumine (Recordati)
- Hexapneumine (Recordati; Rich Plan International; Sanpromex)
- Hexapneumine Suppositories Adultes (Recordati)
- Hexapneumine Suppositories Enfantes (Recordati)
- Hexapneumine Suppositories Nourrissons (Recordati)
- Homeopathic Medicine S No. 713 (Total Health Centre)
- Hoong Tram (Ha Noi)
- Hot Ize (ANB Laboratories)
- Inarub (Frega; Pharmalab 1982)
- Inarub (Frega; Pharmalab 1982)
- Infraline (Rolmex International)
- Iodex Cristal (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Jack and Jill Rub (W. K. Buckley)
- Jack and Jill Rub (W. K. Buckley)
- Kim (Sanofi-Aventis; Thuan Gia Pharmaceutical Trading)
- Kiro Rub (Centre de Recherches en Medication Naturelle)
- Kolq Inhalant (Blue Cross Laboratories)
- Larynsol (Herbes Universelles)
- Limonene Oxide (BCM)
- Limonene Oxide ()
- Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson; Warner Lambert)
- Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson; Warner Lambert)
- Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash with Fluoride (Johnson & Johnson; Pfizer)
- Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash with Fluoride (Johnson & Johnson; Pfizer)
- Listerine Antiseptic Tartar Control Mouthwash (Johnson & Johnson; Pfizer)
- Listerine Antiseptic Tartar Control Mouthwash (Johnson & Johnson; Pfizer)
- Listerine Bright and Clean (Johnson & Johnson; DKSH)
- Listerine Cool Citrus (Johnson & Johnson; DKSH)
- Listerine Cool Mint (Johnson & Johnson; DKSH; Interbelle Cosmetic)
- Listerine Cool Mint Antiseptic Mouthwash (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson)
- Listerine Fresh Burst (Johnson & Johnson; DKSH; Interbelle Cosmetic)
- Listerine Fresh Citrus (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson)
- Listerine Freshburst (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson)
- Listerine FreshBurst Antiseptic Mouthwash (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson)
- Listerine Natural Citrus Antiseptic Mouthwash (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson)
- Listerine Original (Johnson & Johnson; DKSH; Zuellig Pharma)
- Listerine Tartar Control Antiseptic Mouthwash (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson)
- Listerine Teeth and Gum (Johnson & Johnson; DKSH)
- Listerine Teeth and Gum Defence Antiseptic Mouthwash (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson; Zuellig Pharma)
- Listerine Vanilla Mint Antiseptic Mouthwash (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson)
- Majorana Comp Gelatum (Wala Heilmittel)
- Marco Rub Camphorated (Produits Marc-O 1987)
- Mielocol (Herbes Universelles)
- Multi Rub (Distrivet)
- Nady Antuss (Nadyphar)
- Naturub (Le Naturiste J.M.B.)
- Naturub (Le Naturiste J.M.B.)
- Nazophyl Darva (Produits Francais Laboratoires)
- Onguent Camphre Menthol Alsi (Alsi Cie)
- Orafar (Pharmedic Vietnam)
- Oralfresh Oralfresh Citrus (Maver Laboratorios)
- Original Antiseptic Mouthwash (Trillium Health Care Products)
- Orthorub (Clinique Lafontaine)
- Otrivin Decongestant Scented with Menthol Eucalyptol (Novartis)
- Pastilles Valda (Bayer Schering Pharma; Valda Laboratorios)
- Pastilles Valda (Bayer Schering Pharma; Valda Laboratorios)
- Pecsil (Phapharco)
- Pectoderme (Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires)
- Pholcones Bismuth (Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise)
- Pholcones Bismuth Adultes (Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise)
- Pholcones Bismuth Enfantes (Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise)
- Physio-Rub (Distribution L. Hebert)
- Physio-Rub (Distribution L. Hebert)
- Physiorub Plus (Distribution L. Hebert)
- Physiorub Plus (Distribution L. Hebert)
- Phytorub (BCM)
- Phytorub ()
- Phytorub Ont (Produits Phyto)
- Pin Blanc Compose (Atlas Laboratoire)
- Plantago Balm (Wala Heilmittel)
- Pommade au the des Bois (Valmo Enregistre)
- Pulmofluide Simple (Actions Innovations Medicales)
- Quintol (Sagopha)
- Red Udder Ointment (Dominion Veterinary Laboratories)
- Rhino-Vaccin (Rougier Pharma; Rodeca)