Echinacea Purpurea dry extract Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Echinacea Purpurea dry extract pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Formuno (Caprifarmindo Laboratories)
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- Vidisept N (Dr. Gerhard Mann; Bausch and Lomb; Diethelm; Indrugco; People's Pharmacy)
- Vidiseptal EDO Sine (Dr. Gerhard Mann)
- Vidisic (Dr. Gerhard Mann; Angelini; Bausch and Lomb; Chauvin Ankerpharm; Diethelm; Indrugco; Lepori; People's Pharmacy; Riel; Tramedico; United Drug; Zuellig Pharma)
- Vidisic PVP (Dr. Gerhard Mann; Tramedico)
- Vidokcine (Abolmed)
- Vi-Dom-A (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Vidopen (Berk; Approved Prescription Services; Blackhall Pharmaceutical Distributors)
- Vidora (Ferlux Laboratoire; Leurquin Mediolanum Laboratoire; Wyeth)
- Vidox (Epicaris Laboratorio)
- Vidyn (Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus)
- Vie-Ca-Rad (Distributions Multi-Pro)
- Viepax (Dexxon)
- Viepax XR (Dexxon)
- Vier-Winde-Tee (Fresenius)
- Viessia (Teva; Lemery)
- Vieta (Bunker Industria Farmaceutica)
- Viewgam (Bacon Lab.; Landsteiner Scientific)
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- Vi-Ferrin (Elofar Laboratorio Farmaceutico)
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- Vifolyt (Rayere Farmaceuticos)
- Viforcit (Vifor)
- Vifortol (Elea Laboratorio)
- Vig (Key Pharmaceuticals)
- Vig Chewable (Key Pharmaceuticals)
- Vig Recovery (Key Pharmaceuticals)
- Vigam (Bio Products Laboratory; Germax; JDH Pharmaceutical; Kamada; Landsteiner Scientific; Meizler)
- Vigamox (Alcon)
- Vigamoxi (Alcon)
- Vigam-S (Bio Products Laboratory; BJC Trading)
- Vigantol (Merck; Bayer; Nycomed)
- Vigantol ADE (Bayer)
- Vigantol ADE Fuerte (Bayer)
- Vigantol B (Bayer)
- Vigantol B + C (Bayer)
- Vigantol Oel (Merck)
- Vigantoletten (Merck)
- Vigar N (Agpharm)
- Vigarol (Vickmans Laboratories)
- Vigem 12 (Pharmavite 1987)
- Vigencial (Estedi)
- Vigicer (Beta Laboratorios)
- Vigigan (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Vigil (Lafon Laboratoires; Merckle)
- Vigilia (Les Grands Espaces Therapeutiques)
- Vigilon (SSL International)