Disulfiram Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Ethyl Thiram - Vandisul.
Listing of Disulfiram pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Ethyl Thiram (BCM)
- Ethyl Thiram ()
- Ethyl Thiudad (BCM)
- Ethyl Thiudad ()
- Ethyl Thiurad (BCM)
- Ethyl Thiurad ()
- Ethyl Tuads (BCM)
- Ethyl Tuads ()
- Ethyl Tuads Rodform (BCM)
- Ethyl Tuex (BCM)
- Ethyl Tuex ()
- Etiltox (AFOM Medical)
- Etyl Tuex (BCM)
- Etyl Tuex ()
- Exhoran (BCM)
- Exhoran ()
- Exhorran (BCM)
- Exhorran ()
- Hoca (BCM)
- Hoca ()
- Hocakrotenalnci-C02959 (BCM)
- Krotenal (BCM)
- Krotenal ()
- Lidevine (Laboratoire de Development Pharmaceutique; Tradiphar Laboratoire)
- Lidevine (Laboratoire de Development Pharmaceutique; Tradiphar Laboratoire)
- Medibuse (Medi Globe)
- Nocbin (BCM)
- Nocbin ()
- Nocceler TET (BCM)
- Nocceler TET-G (BCM)
- Noxal (BCM)
- Noxal ()
- NT-Addict (Willow Pharmaceuticals)
- Perkacit TETD (BCM)
- Perkacit TETD ()
- Perkait TETD (BCM)
- Perkait TETD ()
- Refusal (Artu Biologicals Europe)
- Ro-Sulfiram (BCM)
- Ro-Sulfiram ()
- Sanceler TET (BCM)
- Sanceler TET-G (BCM)
- Sarcoton (Medley Industria Farmaceutica)
- Soxinol TET (BCM)
- Stopaethyl (BCM)
- Stopaethyl ()
- Stopethyl (BCM)
- Stopethyl ()
- Stopety (BCM)
- Stopety ()
- Stopetyl (BCM)
- Stopetyl ()
- Super Rodiatox (BCM)
- Super Rodiatox ()
- T.T.D-B3-B4 (Tradiphar Laboratoire)
- Tenurid (BCM)
- Tenurid ()
- Tenutex (Bioglan)
- Tetidis (BCM)
- Tetidis ()
- Tetradin (Caldeira & Metelo)
- Tetradin (Caldeira & Metelo)
- Tetradine (Caldeira & Metelo)
- Tetradine (Caldeira & Metelo)
- Tetraetil (BCM)
- Tetraetil ()
- Teturam (BCM)
- Teturam (Pharmstandard-Leksredstva)
- Teturamin (BCM)
- Teturamin (Pharmstandard-Leksredstva)
- Thiocid (BCM)
- Thiocid ()
- Thiophos (BCM)
- Thiophos ()
- Thioscabin (BCM)
- Thioscabin ()
- Thireranide (BCM)
- Thireranide ()
- Thiuram E (BCM)
- Thiuranide (BCM)
- Thiuranide ()
- Tillram (BCM)
- Tillram ()
- Tiuram (BCM)
- Tiuram ()
- Tolerane (Bago Laboratorios)
- True Test (GlaxoSmithKline; ALK-Abello; CSL; Gamida-Medequip; Mekos Laboratories; Stallergenes; Vitaflo)
- True Test (GlaxoSmithKline; ALK-Abello; CSL; Gamida-Medequip; Mekos Laboratories; Stallergenes; Vitaflo)
- TTD-B3-B4 (Tradiphar Laboratoire)
- Tuads, Ethyl (BCM)
- Ulfiram (Invision Medi Sciences)
- Vandisul (Vannier Laboratorio)