Digezyme Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Digezyme pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Nutrivision (Kalbe Vision; IDS Group)
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- Coldsoft (Invision Medi Sciences)
- Coldsoft Day (Hovid; Goldplus Universal)
- Coldsoft Night (Hovid; Goldplus Universal)
- Coldsoft-D (Invision Medi Sciences)
- Cold-Tab (Burapha Dispensary)
- Coldtacin (NIC Pharma)
- Coldtaur Ophthalmic (Taurus Laboratories)
- Coldtaur Suspension (Taurus Laboratories)
- Coldtaur Tablets (Taurus Laboratories)
- Coldtaxnic (NIC Pharma)
- Coldtefyy (Hataphar)
- Cold-War (Invision Medi Sciences)
- Coldwar Syrup (Vensat Bio)
- Coldwar Tablets (Vensat Bio)
- Coldy Syrup (Siam Medicare; Siomond Pharmaceuticals; The Forty-Two, Thailand)
- Coldy Tablets (Siam Medicare; Siomond Pharmaceuticals)
- Coldzep (EuroHealthcare; Pacific Pharmaceutical Generics)
- Colebenz ()
- Colebrina (Bayer Schering Pharma; Viatris)
- Coleflux ()
- Colep (Biomax Biotechnics)
- Colepax ()
- Colepur ()
- Colergis (Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem)
- Colestid (Pfizer; Perrigo)
- Colestor (Altomega Drugs)
- Colestrim (Mega Lifesciences; Themis Laboratories; Zuellig Pharma)
- Coletyl ()
- Col-Evac ()
- Colezet (Altomega Drugs)
- Colfin (Nufarindo Pharmaceutical Laboratories)
- Colfur Suspension (Church & Dwight)
- Colfur Tablets (Church & Dwight)
- Colgate Kids 2 in 1 (Watermelon)
- Colgate Liquid Gel Toothpaste (Fresh Mint)
- Colgate Liquid Gel Toothpaste (Whitening)
- Colgate Liquid Gel Toothpaste (Winterfresh)
- Colgate Tartar Control Mint Gel TPT (Tube)
- Colgate Tartar Control Mint TPT (Tube)
- Colgate Total Advanced Health Gum Defense (Colgate-Palmolive)
- Colgen (Bournonville Eumedica; Thames Laboratories)
- Colgin Syrup (Medopharm)
- Colgin Tablets (Medopharm)
- Colgit (Alde Medi Impex)
- Colgon BPL ()
- Colgon PCB-D ()
- Colgout (Aspen Pharmacare; Primal Chemical)
- Colibacterin Siccum (Biomed I. I. Mechnikov)
- Colibil ()
- Colicaid (Meyer Organics)