Diclofenac Sodium Available forms of Vovo, composition and doses: Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Diclofenac Sodium Available forms of Vovo, composition and doses: pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Vovo (Alembic)
Latest Popular Site Searches
- Preductal (Servier)
- Preductal MR (Servier; Anpharm; Serdix)
- Predval (Sanval Comercio e Industria)
- Predxal (Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico)
- Predxal Plus (Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico)
- Predyamsa (Antibioticos de Mexico)
- Preface (Centaur Laboratories)
- Prefagyl (Bristol-Myers Squibb; Sabex)
- Prefakehl (Sanum-Kehlbeck)
- Prefamone (Dexo Laboratoires; Actipharm; Asta Medica; F. Uhlmann-Eyraud; Pacific Healthcare; Viatris)
- Prefamone Chronules (Dexo Laboratoires)
- Prefaxil (BCM)
- Prefem (Labomed Instituto Farmaceutico)
- Prefemin (Max Zeller Sohne)
- Prefemine (Max Zeller Sohne)
- Preferid (Yamanouchi; Astellas Pharma)
- Preferred Remedies Aches and Pains (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Preferred Remedies Allergy (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Preferred Remedies Antacid (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Preferred Remedies Cold and Flu (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Preferred Remedies Detoxin (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Preferred Remedies Fatigue (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Preferred Remedies Sinus (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Preferred Remedies Sleep (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Preferred Remedies Stress (Reese Pharmaceutical)
- Prefest (Janssen; Duramed Pharmaceuticals; King Pharmaceuticals; Monarch Pharmaceuticals)
- Prefesta (Janssen)
- Prefil (Norgine)
- Prefin (Key Pharma)
- Prefine (Pierre Fabre)
- Preflam (Cipla)
- Preflex (Alcon)
- Preflex Daily Cleaner (Alcon)
- Prefolic (Zambon)
- Preforms (Columbia Laboratorios)
- Prefrin (Allergan; Diethelm; JDH Pharmaceutical; Tradis-Gat)
- Prefrin Liquifilm (Allergan)
- Prefrin Z (Allergan)
- Prefrin-A (Allergan; Diethelm; JDH Pharmaceutical)
- Prefrinal med Mepyramin (Allergan)
- Pregaday (Celltech; UCB Pharma)
- Pregalex (Andromaco Laboratorios)
- Pregamal (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Pregcolor (Organon)
- Pregestimil (Bristol-Myers Squibb; Diethelm; Mead Johnson Nutritionals)
- Preglandin (Ono Pharmaceutical)
- Preg-Less (Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus)
- Pregmag (ICN Pharmaceuticals)
- Pregnacare (Deco)
- Pregnacare (Mekim)