Dexamethasone Sodium Metasulphobenzoate Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Dexamethasone Sodium Metasulphobenzoate pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Sab-Opticort (Sandoz; Sabex)
- Sandoz Opticort (Sandoz)
- Sofracort Eye / Ear Drops (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Sofracort Eye / Ear Drops (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Sofracort Sterile Ear / Eye Drops (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Sofracort Sterile Ear / Eye Drops (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Sofradex (Sanofi-Aventis; Florizel)
- Sofradex (Sanofi-Aventis; Florizel)
Latest Popular Site Searches
- Androsteston ()
- Androtest P ()
- Androteston ()
- Androtop (Solvay; Besins; Dr. Kade)
- Androviron ()
- Androvit (Chemech Laboratories)
- Androxyl (Weston Pharmaceutical; CCM Duopharma BioTech; CCM Pharmaceuticals; Duopharma)
- Androz (Torrent Pharmaceuticals)
- Andrusol ()
- Andrusol-P ()
- Andryl ()
- Andura (Mint Life Sciences)
- Anduron ()
- Andursil (Novartis; Dr. Heinz Welti; Sanopharm)
- Andysan (Sanify Healthcare)
- Aneban (Rogar / STB)
- Anebron (Protein, Mexico)
- Anecotan ()
- Anectine (GlaxoSmithKline; Sabex; Sandoz; Strides Arcolab)
- Anekcin (Harson Laboratories; Phil Pharmawealth)
- Aneket (Neon Laboratories)
- Anektil (Oboi Laboratories; Phil Pharmawealth)
- Anelat (Ifars Pharmaceutical Laboratories)
- Anelix ()
- Anemicon Plus (San Marino Laboratories)
- Anemolin ()
- Aneol ()
- Anepol (Hana Pharmaceutical; Schumit 1967)
- Anerex (A.F. Laboratorios, Aplicaciones Farmaceuticas)
- Anergy (Arika Healthcare)
- Anerobizol (Marck Biosciences; International Apex Pharmaceuticals)
- Anerocin (Aldril Pharmaceuticals; InnoGen Pharma Group)
- Anerval ()
- Anervan (Algol Pharma; Nycomed; Recip, Sweden)
- Anesfar (Fahrenheit)
- Anesir (Wockhardt)
- Anesolin (Neon Laboratories)
- Anespin (Oriental Chemical Works; Endure Medical)
- Anestacon Jelly ()
- Anestesico (Alcon; Allergan)
- Anestezin ()
- Anesthal (Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals)
- Anesthesin ()
- Anesthesine ()
- Anesthone ()
- Anestocil (Edol; DM Industria Farmaceutica)
- Anesvan (Chi Sheng; Oriental Chemical Works; S. Charoen Bhaesaj Trading)
- Anetain ()
- Anetamin ()
- Anethaine (Sanofi-Aventis; Typharm)