Daunorubicin Hydrochloride Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Daunorubicin Hydrochloride pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Cerubidin (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Cerubidine (Sanofi-Aventis; Bedford Laboratories; ERFA; Thissen Laboratoires; Wyeth)
- Cerubidine (Sanofi-Aventis; Bedford Laboratories; ERFA; Thissen Laboratoires; Wyeth)
- Daunoblastin (Pfizer)
- Daunoblastina (Pfizer; Kenfarma)
- Daunoblastina (Pfizer; Kenfarma; Zuellig Pharma)
- Daunocin (Meizler)
- Daunocin (Meizler; Korea United Pharmaceutical; Kyowa Hakko; Miracalus Pharma)
- Daunoplus (VHB Life Sciences)
- Daunorubicin (Bedford Laboratories)
- Daunorubicin (Bigmar Bioren Pharmaceuticals)
- Daunorubicin (Lans-Pharm)
- Daunorubicin (Mayne Pharma)
- Daunorubicin (Novopharm)
- Daunorubicin (Pfizer)
- Daunorubicin (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Daunorubicin (Sicor Pharmaceuticals)
- Daunorubicin (SuperGen)
- Daunorubitec (United Biotech)
- Daunotec (Cipla)
- Daunotec (Cipla; OncoCare Cancer Centre)
- Rubilem (Teva; Lemery)
- Rubilem (Teva; Lemery)
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- Prostex (Productos Medix)
- ProstGard (Holista Health)
- Prostica (TAD Pharma)
- Prostide (Libbs Farmaceutica; Sigma-Tau)
- Prostide Depot (Probiomed)
- Prostigmin (Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Dermatech Laboratories; Diethelm; ICN Pharmaceuticals; IDS Hong Kong; JDH Pharmaceutical; Medilink; Pharmaforte; Roche)
- Prostigmin Injections (Valeant Pharmaceuticals; ICN Pharmaceuticals)
- Prostigmina (Valeant Pharmaceuticals; ICN Pharmaceuticals)
- Prostigmine (Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Centre Specialites Pharmaceutiques; Devries; ICN Pharmaceuticals; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; Meda; Raffo Laboratorios; Sanico)
- Prostin 15M (Pfizer)
- Prostin E2 (Pfizer; Paladin Laboratories; Perrigo)
- Prostin E2 Extra-Amniotic (Wyeth)
- Prostin F2 (Pfizer)
- Prostin F2 Alpha (Pfizer; Perrigo)
- Prostin F2A (Pfizer)
- Prostin Pediatrico (Pfizer)
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- Prostivas (Pfizer)
- Prostodin (AstraZeneca)
- Prostogenat (Sandoz; Azupharma)
- Prostrumyl (BCM)
- Prostudox (Sintez)
- Prosturol (Farmasierra)
- Prost-X L8 (Homeocan)
- Prosulf (CP Pharmaceuticals; Propharm, Israel; Vantone Medical Supplies; Wockhardt)
- Prosulpin (ProMed CS Praha; Promed Exports)
- Prosure (Abbott Laboratories)
- Prosymbioflor (Dr. Peithner)
- Pro-Symbioflor (SymbioPharm; Ebi-Pharm)
- Prosync Anti-Perspirant and Deodorant with Antibacterial Odor Protection (Nu Skin)
- Prosync Muscle Rub (Nu Skin)
- Prota (Samarth Pharma)
- Protaben P (BCM)
- Protacell 8 (BCM)
- Protact (Coloplast)
- Protactyl (Hexal)
- Protafan HM (Novo Nordisk)
- Protagens (Alcon)
- Protagent (Alcon; Bournonville Eumedica)
- Protagent SE (Alcon)
- Protal (Aurora Pharmaceuticals)
- Protal Complex (Farmedia)
- Protalgia (Reig Jofre)