Cloral Hydrate Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Cloral Hydrate pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Analgesic Balm (DC Labs)
- Babygencal (Qualiphar)
- Bain de Bouche Bancaud (Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise)
- Buccothymol (Gonnon Laboratoires)
- Certosed (Sagitta Arzneimittel)
- Chloralix (3M)
- Curacallos Pedykur (Domenech Garcia)
- Dentocure (Johnson & Johnson)
- Dentocure (Johnson & Johnson)
- Dentol Topico (Calmante Vitaminado)
- Dentophar (Qualiphar)
- Dermophil Indien (Alcon)
- Dolopax (Gifrer Barbezat Laboratoires)
- Dormel (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Efcamon (Nizhpharm)
- Elix-Nocte (Nelson Laboratories)
- Febena EM 1 (Febena Pharma)
- Febenol Liquid (Febena Pharma)
- Hemorid (Pharmamagist; Wagner Pharmafax)
- Hemorid (Pharmamagist)
- Histacyl Cutane (G. Streuli)
- Histacyl Cutane (G. Streuli)
- Leukona-Sedativ-Bad (Dr. Atzinger Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- Leukona-Sedativ-Bad (Dr. Atzinger Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- Medianox (Dr. Grossmann Pharmaca)
- Medianox (Dr. Grossmann Pharmaca)
- Nervifene (Interdelta)
- Noctec (Apothecon; Bristol-Myers Squibb)
- Noctec (Apothecon; Bristol-Myers Squibb)
- Oxy-Thymoline (Meyer Laboratoires)
- Pipiol (Celltech)
- Pulmofluide Nourrissons (Leurquin Mediolanum Laboratoire)
- Sedemol (Sopar Pharma)
- Somnote (Breckenridge Pharmaceutical)
- Stix (Vifor)
- Stix (Vifor Pharma)
- Stom-Antiba (Pharmastra Usines Chimiques et Pharmaceutiques de Strasbourg)
- Stomyteol (Biodica Laboratoires)
- Sulfa-Sedemol (Sopar Pharma)
- Trisan (Hommel Pharma)
- Tuberol Paediatric Syrup (Bouteille Laboratoires)
- Welldorm (Alphashow; Smith & Nephew)
- Welldorm (Alphashow; Smith & Nephew)