Camphor Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Nicobrevin - Phenix C24.
Listing of Camphor pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Nicobrevin (Cedar Health; Pro-Health Products)
- Nicobrevin (Cedar Health; Pro-Health Products)
- Nicobrevin N (Tentan)
- No-Sor Vapour Rub (J. Pickles & Sons)
- No-Sor Vapour Rub (J. Pickles & Sons)
- Noditran (Naturland, Hungary)
- Noditran (Naturland, Hungary)
- Noivy (Hilary's Distibution)
- Noivy (Hilary's Distibution)
- Normotin Drops (OTW-Naturarzneimittel Regneri)
- Normotin Tablets (OTW-Naturarzneimittel Regneri)
- Nose Head Clear (May & Baker)
- Nose Head Clear (May & Baker)
- Novobroncol (Lafage Laboratorios)
- Numonyl (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Nyal Cold Sore Cream (ICN Pharmaceuticals)
- Nyal Cold Sore Lotion (GlaxoSmithKline)
- OAng Hit Haui Yean (OPC)
- Ocurest (Centaur Laboratories)
- Ocurest-AH (Centaur Laboratories)
- Ocurest-Z (Centaur Laboratories)
- Oleo Eletrico (Companhia Industrial Farmaceutica)
- Oleum Rhinale Nasal Oil (Weleda; Pharma-Natura)
- Oleum Rhinale Nasal Oil (Weleda; Pharma-Natura)
- Omnia (Hochstetter Laboratorios)
- Onguent Camphre Menthol Alsi (Alsi Cie)
- Onguent Vaporisant (Prodemdis)
- Opium; Camphre; Tanin (Rougier Pharma)
- Opodeldok (Teva)
- Optipect Balsam (Celltech)
- Optipect Drops (Celltech)
- Optipect mit Kodein Drops (Celltech)
- Optipect mit Kodein Syrup (Celltech)
- Optipect N (Celltech)
- Optipect Neo (Celltech)
- Optipect Syrup (Celltech)
- Optipect Tablets (Celltech)
- Orabase Lip (Colgate-Palmolive)
- Orajel Multi-Action Cold Sore Medicine (Del Pharmaceuticals; Church & Dwight)
- Orajel Multi-Action Cold Sore Medicine (Del Pharmaceuticals; Church & Dwight)
- Oralgar (Produits Marc-O 1987)
- Osteokom Cream (Lapi)
- Osteor-C (Pyridam)
- Ostiderm Roll-On (Pedinol Pharmacal)
- Ozonyl (Gross Laboratorio)
- P30 (Robert et Fils)
- Padma 28 (Padma; Cedar Health)
- Padma 28 (Padma; Cedar Health)
- Pain Buster (Prodemdis)
- Pain Buster 2000 (Prodemdis)
- Pain Expeller (IVAX)
- Pain Relieving Ointment (Jamieson Laboratories)
- Pain Relieving Salonpas Patch (Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical)
- Pain X (B.F. Ascher)
- Pain-A-Trate (Melaleuca)
- Pain-Oleum (Watkins Incorporated)
- Painguard (Nelson Laboratories)
- Panalgesic Gold Liniment (ECR Pharmaceuticals)
- Panturon-Extern (Bernd Conzen Pharmazeutische)
- Paragerm (Paragerm Laboratoires)
- Paragoriese-Elikser (Aspen Pharmacare)
- Paralgesic Gold (ECR Pharmaceuticals)
- Paregorique (Atlas Laboratoire)
- Paregorique (Lafran Laboratoire)
- Passaja (Farmabraz Beta Atalaia Farmaceutica)
- Pasta Iodoformica Radiopaca (Giovanni Ogna & Figli)
- Pasta Iodoformica Radiopaca (Giovanni Ogna & Figli)
- Pastillas Antisep Garg M (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastillas Antisep Garg M (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastillas Vicks Mentol (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastillas Vicks Mentol (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastilles Medicinales Vicks (Procter & Gamble)
- Pastilles Medicinales Vicks (Procter & Gamble)
- Patar Lotion (Patar Lab)
- Pate Iodoforme du Prof. Dr. Walkhoff (Medidenta)
- Pazo (Bristol-Myers Squibb)
- Pe-Ce (Gebro Pharma)
- Pectocor N (Riemser Arzneimittel)
- Pectoderme (Dolisos)
- Pectolitan Drops (3M)
- Pectolitan mit Codein (3M)
- Pectyl (Nycomed)
- Pedi-Lotion Powder (Mediphar)
- Pelarol Ointment (Qualiphar)
- Peppermint Field Balm Stick (Bertram Chemical 1982)
- Peppermint Field Balm Stick Green Tea Scent (Bertram Chemical 1982)
- Peppermint Field Gel (Bertram Chemical 1982)
- Peppermint Field Gel Green Tea Scent (Bertram Chemical 1982)
- Percucor (Pharmaselect Handels)
- Perform (Finest Health Products)
- Perinix (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals)
- Pernomol (Laboratories for Applied Biology)
- Perozon Erkaltungsbad (Sanova Pharma)
- Peru-Stick (Tentan)
- Pervivo (Richard Bittner)
- Pfeiffer's Cold Sore (Pfeiffer Company)
- Phardol N Balsam (Kreussler Chemische Fabrik)
- Phenix C20 (Bona Dea)
- Phenix C23 (Bona Dea)
- Phenix C24 (Bona Dea)