Benzocaine Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Topcaine - Zoken.
Listing of Benzocaine pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Topcaine (BCM)
- Topcaine ()
- Topex (Pierre Fabre; Procter & Gamble)
- Topex (Pierre Fabre; Procter & Gamble)
- Topex Topical Anesthetic Gel (Sultan Chemists)
- Topex Topical Anesthetic Metered Spray (Sultan Chemists)
- Topicaina (B. Braun)
- Topicaina (Organon; BioMerieux)
- Topicaina (B. Braun)
- Topicaina Miro (Andalucia Farmaceutica)
- Topicaine (Colgate-Palmolive; Sanofi-Aventis)
- Topicaine (Colgate-Palmolive)
- Topicale Gel Pump Pina Colada (Medical Products Laboratories)
- Tos Mai (Alcala Farma)
- Trachiform (Philopharm)
- Transvane (Promedis)
- Traumac (Catarinense Laboratorio)
- Triban (Great Southern Laboratories)
- Trocacin (Nakornpatana Pharm)
- Trocaine (Shire)
- Trochain (Adcock Ingram)
- Trociletas B (Streger)
- Troneo (TNP Health Care)
- True Test (GlaxoSmithKline; ALK-Abello; CSL; Gamida-Medequip; Mekos Laboratories; Stallergenes; Vitaflo)
- True Test (GlaxoSmithKline; ALK-Abello; CSL; Gamida-Medequip; Mekos Laboratories; Stallergenes; Vitaflo)
- Trust (Edmond Pharma)
- Tubaham (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Tussamag Halstabletten (CT-Arzneimittel)
- Tympagesic (Savage Laboratories; Altana Pharma)
- Tympagesic (Savage Laboratories; Altana Pharma)
- Tyricine (Christo Pharmaceuticals)
- Tyricine (Christo Pharmaceuticals; Polywell)
- Tyrocaine (SSL International; Synco HK)
- Tyrocaine (SSL International; Singapore Pharmaceutical; Synco)
- Tyroneomicin (Alcala Farma)
- Tyropenicilin R (Ale Pedemonte Laboratorios)
- Tyrosolvetten (Altana Pharma)
- Tyrothricin Co (Jean-Marie Pharmacal)
- Tyrothricin Comp. (Provita Pharma)
- Tyrothricin Compositum (Provita Pharma)
- Tyrozets (Johnson & Johnson; Merck; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals)
- Tyrozets (Johnson & Johnson; Merck; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals)
- Tytin (Wockhardt)
- Udder Ointment with Lanolin (Agribrands Purina Canada)
- Ulcaid Tablets (SSL International)
- Ulcrurisan (Bavaria Chemische Fabrik, Apotheker Martin Reinhard)
- Ulcrurisan (Bavaria Chemische Fabrik, Apotheker Martin Reinhard)
- Ulticid (Unimarck Pharma India)
- Ultra Chloraseptic Anaesthetic Throat Spray (Prestige Brands)
- Ultracare (Optident Dental Products; Ultradent Products)
- Unguentine Aerosol (Mentholatum)
- Unguentine Maximum Strength (Lee Pharmaceuticals)
- Vagi-Gard Medicated Cream (Wisconsin Pharmacal)
- Vagisil (Combe; Medibrands)
- Vagisil (Combe; Medibrands)
- Vagisil Cream Medication (Combe)
- Vagisil Medication (Combe)
- Varoforce (Shinpoong Daewoo Pharma)
- Venesa (Zytras Lifesciences)
- Vicks Cough Silencers (Procter & Gamble)
- Vicks Cough Silencers (Procter & Gamble)
- Vicks Formel 44 (Procter & Gamble)
- Vicks Formel 44 (Procter & Gamble)
- Vicks Formula 44 Cough Control Discs (Procter & Gamble)
- Vicks Formula 44 Cough Control Discs (Procter & Gamble)
- Viodor (Aspen Pharmacare)
- Wasp-Eze Bites and Stings Spray (SSL International)
- Wasp-Eze Spray (SSL International)
- Wax-D (Ind-Swift)
- Waxolve (Bell Pharma)
- Webber Antibiotic Cold Sore Ointment (Novartis)
- Winvax (Unimarck Pharma India)
- Yeast-Gard Advanced Sensitive Formula (Lake, United States; Wisconsin Pharmacal)
- Yeast-Gard Advanced Sensitive Formula (Lake, United States; Wisconsin Pharmacal)
- Yeast-Gard Maximum Strength Formula (Lake, United States; Wisconsin Pharmacal)
- Yeast-Gard Maximum Strength Formula (Lake, United States; Wisconsin Pharmacal)
- Z-Wax (Zodak)
- Z-Xtra (MAGNA Pharmaceuticals)
- Zahnerol N (Dr. Werner Janssen)
- Zahnerol N (Dr. Werner Janssen)
- ZAP (Germiphene)
- Zap Liquid (Germiphene)
- Zap Topical Anesthetic Gel (Germiphene)
- Zap Topical Anesthetic Gel Cool Mint (Germiphene)
- Zap Topical Anesthetic Spray (Germiphene)
- Zapuid (Germiphene)
- Zero-Wax (Invision Medi Sciences)
- Zilabrace (Zila Pharmaceuticals)
- Zilactin Baby (Zila Pharmaceuticals)
- Zilactin Baby Teething Gel (Zila Pharmaceuticals)
- Zilactin Tooth and Gum Pain Reliever (Zila Pharmaceuticals; Blairex Laboratories)
- Zilactin Tooth and Gum Pain Reliever (Zila Pharmaceuticals; Blairex Laboratories)
- Zilactin Toothache Swab (Zila Pharmaceuticals)
- Zilactin-B (Zila Pharmaceuticals; Blairex Laboratories)
- Zilactin-B (Zila Pharmaceuticals; Blairex Laboratories)
- Zilactin-B Medicated (Zila Pharmaceuticals; Blairex Laboratories)
- Zilactin-B Medicated (Zila Pharmaceuticals; Blairex Laboratories)
- ZilaDent (Zila Pharmaceuticals)
- Zoken (Svizera Healthcare)