Balsalazide Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Balsalazide pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
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- X-Seb T Plus (Pharmascience; IVAX; Paladin Laboratories)
- Xsert (Zydus Cadila)
- XSP-Bena (Xepa-Soul Pattinson; Grafton Pharmasia)
- X'tac (Upha Corporation)
- X-Tar (Dormer Laboratories)
- X-Tardine (Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading)
- Xtendrol (Atlantis, Mexico)
- X'tor (Ipca Laboratories)
- Xtra Advantage (Muscle Marketing USA)
- Xtra White (BCM)
- X-Trozine (Shire; Rexar Pharmacal)
- X-Trozine L.A. (Shire; Rexar Pharmacal)
- Xuanjing (BCM)
- Xuclamin (Son's Laboratorios Quimica)
- Xumadol (Italfarmaco; ITF Farma Chile Laboratorio Farmaceutico)
- Xumbradil (BCM)
- Xuprin (Solvay)
- Xuret (Galen)
- Xusal (GlaxoSmithKline; UCB Pharma)
- Xusal Akut (GlaxoSmithKline; UCB Pharma)
- Xuzal (GlaxoSmithKline; UCB Pharma)
- Xycaine (BCM)
- Xycalm (Ipca Laboratories)
- Xycam (Aspen Pharmacare)
- Xydep (Arrow Pharmaceuticals)
- Xyduril (BCM)
- Xylamax (Bimeda-MTC Animal Health)
- Xylanaest (Gebro Pharma)
- Xylavomarin (BCM)
- Xylazine (Boehringer Ingelheim; Kepro)
- Xylesin (Amino, Switzerland)
- Xylesine (Amino, Switzerland)
- Xylestesin (3M; Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos)
- Xylestesin Centro (3M)
- Xylestesin Forte (3M)
- Xylestesin Pumpspray (3M)
- Xylestesin-A (3M)
- Xylestesina Injections (3M; Davidall Florence)
- Xylestesina Spray (3M; Davidall Florence)
- Xylestesina-S (3M; Davidall Florence)
- Xylestesin-F (3M)
- Xylestesin-mF (3M)
- Xylestesin-S (3M)
- Xylestesin-S Special (3M)
- Xylestin-A (3M)
- Xylifresh 100 Peppermint (Leaf Canada)
- Xylifresh 100 Spearmint (Leaf Canada)
- Xylit (B. Braun)
- Xylit (Baxter)
- Xylit (Deltaselect)