Antipyrine Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
Listing of Antipyrine pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- AB FE (Camps)
- Aequiton-P (Sudmedica)
- Allergen (IVAX)
- Anaesthetic (Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries)
- Analgesine (BCM)
- Analgesine ()
- Anodynin (BCM)
- Anodynin ()
- Anodynine (BCM)
- Anodynine ()
- Antidouleurs Rezall (Produits Francais Laboratoires)
- Antipyrinum (Boiron)
- Apirelina (BCM)
- Apirelina ()
- Artrol (Gerbex Produits)
- Auralgan (Wyeth)
- Auralgan (Wyeth; Metro Drug Distribution; Paladin Laboratories)
- Azophen (BCM)
- Azophen ()
- Azophene (BCM)
- Azophene ()
- Azophenum (BCM)
- Azophenum ()
- Brulex (Bailly-Creat Laboratoire)
- Brulex (Bailly-Creat Laboratoire; Sanpromex)
- Eye Brite (Lambert Kay)
- Formule L2 (Herbages Naturbec)
- Ganaseg Plus (Novartis)
- H.E.C. (Bausch and Lomb)
- HEC (Bausch and Lomb; Pan-Malayan Pharmaceuticals)
- Homeopathic Medicine S No. 313 (Total Health Centre)
- Methozin (BCM)
- Methozin ()
- Oti Cal (Produits Francais Laboratoires)
- Otidin (Teva)
- Parodyne (BCM)
- Parodyne ()
- Phenil (Sunways India)
- Phenylon (BCM)
- Phenylon ()
- Phenylone (BCM)
- Phenylone ()
- Pyrazophyl (BCM)
- Pyrazophyl ()
- Rheumatone Balsam (Thuna Herbal Remedies)
- Sedatin (BCM)
- Sedatin ()
- Sedatine (BCM)
- Sedatine ()