Aluminum Hydroxide Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Siemag - Tricreamalate.
Listing of Aluminum Hydroxide pharmaceutical drugs and health products:
- Siemag (Chew Brothers)
- Sigma Liquid Antacid (Sigma Pharmaceuticals)
- Silidrox Suspension (Bal Pharma)
- Silidrox Tablets (Bal Pharma)
- Siligel (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Silomed (Medicpharma)
- Silox-50 (Jean-Marie Pharmacal)
- Silox-50 (Jean-Marie Pharmacal; Agencia Lei Va Hong)
- Siloxogene (RPG Life Sciences)
- Siloxyl Suspension (Martindale Pharmaceuticals)
- Siloxyl Tablets (Martindale Pharmaceuticals)
- Siludrox (Eurofarma Laboratorios)
- Simaal Gel 2 (Watson Pharmaceuticals)
- Simagel (Atlantic Laboratories)
- Simcomag (Vesco Pharmaceutical)
- Simeco (Wyeth)
- Simeco (Wyeth; Metro Drug Distribution)
- Simeco Plus (Wyeth; Eurofarma Laboratorios)
- Simeco Plus (Wyeth; Eurofarma Laboratorios)
- Simeco Suspension (Wyeth)
- Simecon Antiacido (Instituto Sanitas)
- Simecon Antiacido (Chinta; Instituto Sanitas)
- Simegaz Plus (OPV)
- Simegel (Medipharma, Hong Kong)
- Simegel (Medipharma, Hong Kong)
- Simelox (Pharmedic Vietnam)
- Sin-A Crud (Quimica y Farmacia)
- Sintrogel (Roche)
- Sinulene (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Sodexol (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Sodinon (Roche)
- Solacid (Dey's Medical Stores)
- Solacid (Dey's Medical Stores)
- Solacid O (Dey's Medical Stores)
- Solugastril (Pfizer)
- Solugastril (Pfizer)
- Solumag-D Suspension (Chew Brothers)
- Sorbacid Suspension (Alkem Laboratories)
- Sorbacid Tablets (Alkem Laboratories)
- Sorbitoxin Suspension (Ferrer Farma)
- Sovol Liquid (Carter Products)
- SP-Alusil (Sunward Pharmaceutical; Luen Wah Medical)
- Spasmo Nil (Duchesnay)
- Spasmo-Solugastril (Pfizer; Sanova Pharma)
- Spasmo-Solugastril (Pfizer; Sanova Pharma)
- Spasmogel (Alliance Pharmaceuticals)
- Stacho N (Pharma Selz)
- Stomaax (E-Z-EM; Theralab)
- Stomaax (E-Z-EM; Theralab)
- Stomaax Plus (E-Z-EM; Atlas Laboratoire)
- Stomaax Plus (E-Z-EM; Atlas Laboratoire)
- Stomac (Greater Pharma)
- Stomac Liquid (Greater Pharma)
- Stomac Tablets (Greater Pharma)
- Stomacain (Combiphar)
- Stomafar (Pharmedic Vietnam)
- Stomagel B (C.P.F, Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- Stomagel B (C.P.F, Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- Stomagel N (C.P.F, Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- Stomagel N (C.P.F, Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- Stomalen (Daewoong Pharmaceutical)
- Stomasal (Mauermann Arzneimittel, Franz Mauermann)
- Stomasal (Mauermann Arzneimittel, Franz Mauermann)
- Stomasal Med (Mauermann Arzneimittel, Franz Mauermann)
- Stomasal Med (Mauermann Arzneimittel, Franz Mauermann)
- Stongel (Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio)
- Strediazin c Atapulguita Suspension (Rowe-Fleming Laboratorios)
- Streptomagma Gel (Wyeth)
- Streptomagma Suspension (Wyeth)
- Streptomagma Tablets (Wyeth)
- Stromag (Guardian Pharmatama)
- Sul Dyo Strep (Pfizer)
- Sulfolitruw (Truw Arzneimittel Vertriebs)
- Suntacid (Sunward Pharmaceutical; Apex Pharma Marketing)
- Supraalox (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Supracid (Medreich)
- Supralox (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Suprin (Novartis)
- Surifarm (Reig Jofre)
- Suspension Antiacida (Denver Farma)
- Suspension Antiacida con Simeticona (Denver Farma)
- T.O. Gel (T.O. Chemicals 1979)
- Tabletas Phillips (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Tabletas Phillips Antiacido Sabor Menta (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Tanasid (Pfizer)
- Targel (Organifar)
- Telament Chewable (Adcock Ingram)
- Tempo (Chattem)
- Tepilta (ICN Pharmaceuticals; Wyeth)
- Tepilta (ICN Pharmaceuticals; Wyeth)
- Terpalate (Ferrer Farma)
- Theodrox (3M)
- Ticomag (Solas Langgeng Sejahtera)
- Tomaag (Yarindo Farmatama)
- Tomaag Forte (Yarindo Farmatama)
- Topal (Pierre Fabre)
- Trial AG (Zee Medical)
- Tricaine-MPS (RPG Life Sciences)
- Tricigel (Corporacion de Salud)
- Tricreamalate (BCM)