XL Laboratories Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of XL Laboratories Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Adep XL
- Allor
- Ambrotor
- Asmaact
- Atobaxl
- Bactolac
- Cartifast Capsules
- Cartifast Powder
- Cartoxl
- Cefdolin
- Cefdolin DT
- Ceftacef
- Ceftacef LB
- Cefuzix
- Cefxl
- Cefxl DT
- Ciprofloxacin
- Cizorite
- Clarilide
- Clofocef
- Clofocef DT
- Clofonex
- Clopida A
- Curecefix
- Delopa
- Emlip
- Emlip-A
- Epilanz
- Fexalar
- Fungiact
- Fungitor
- Gastrel
- Gescam
- GlimXL
- Glizat
- Itcon
- Kofixir
- Levofloxacin
- Levomed
- Lipewin
- Lisace
- Loxwin
- Medifase
- Mefegesic
- Neo-Tone
- Opirasol
- Oratid
- Prasocid
- Pyredol
- Rabeact
- Rabeact D
- Ramprozole
- Redphar Kit
- Retento
- Rheumac
- RhinXL
- Rosuxl
- Sachlard
- Scherofy
- Secnipro
- Selecap
- Sofkof
- Tekeden
- Tifaxcin
- Tinidazole
- Tisartan
- Tizacure
- Ulcifam
- Vilacto
- Vitamin E
- Vormino
- Willmon
- X-Zyme
- XLCam
- XLCefuz
- XLH-Kit
- Zysmas