Watson Pharmaceuticals Health Care Products . Methyclothiazide - Piroxicam.
List of Watson Pharmaceuticals Drugs:
- Methyclothiazide
- Methyclothiazide; Deserpidine
- Methyldopa
- Methyldopa; Hydrochlorothiazide
- Methylphenidate
- Methylprednisolone
- Methyltestosterone
- Metoclopramide
- Metolazone
- Metoprolol
- Metronidazole
- Mexiletine
- Microgestin
- Microgestin Fe
- Microzide
- Midchlor
- Minocycline
- Minoxidil
- Mirtazapine
- Morphine
- Multilex
- Muscle Rub
- Nabumetone
- Nalidixic Acid
- Nandrolone
- Naproxen
- Nasal Relief
- Nateglinide
- Nature's Tears
- Necon 0.5 / 35
- Necon 1 / 35
- Necon 1 / 50
- Necon 10 / 11
- Nefazodone
- Nelulen
- Nephramine
- Nephro-Calci
- Nephro-Derm
- Nephro-Fer
- Nephro-Fer Rx
- Nephro-Vite
- Nephro-Vite + Fe
- Niacin
- Nicardipine
- Nicotine Polacrilex
- Nicotine Polacrilex Mint
- Nitrofurantoin
- Nitrofurantoin Macrocrystalline
- Nizatidine
- Nor-QD
- Norco
- Norethin
- Norethindrone; Ethinyl Estradiol
- Norethindrone; Ethinyl Estradiol 10 / 11
- Norethindrone; Ethinyl Estradiol 7 / 14
- Norethindrone; Mestranol
- Norgestimate; Ethinyl Estradiol
- Nortriptyline
- Nova-Dec
- Nystatin
- Nytcold Medicine
- Ogestrel
- Omeprazole
- Orphenadrine
- Oxaprozin
- Oxazepam
- Oxtriphylline
- Oxybutynin
- Oxycodone; Acetaminophen
- Oxycodone; Aspirin
- Oxycodone; Ibuprofen
- Oxyphenbutazone
- Oxytrol
- Oysco
- Oysco D
- Pain Reliever
- Pemoline
- Pentazocine and Naloxone Hydrochlorides
- Pentazocine Hydrochloride and Acetaminophen
- Pentazocine; Acetaminophen
- Pentobarbital
- Pentoxifylline
- Peptic Relief
- Perphenazine; Amitriptyline
- Phenapap
- Phenapap Sinus Headache and Congestion
- Phenaseptic
- Phenchlor SHA
- Phendimetrazine
- Phenerbel-S
- Phenhist DH with Codeine
- Phenhist DH with Codeine Modified Formula
- Phenhist Expectorant
- Phentermine
- Phenylbutazone
- Phenyldrine
- Phenytex
- Phenytoin
- Pindolol
- Piroxicam