Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Allurase
- Aloten
- Analcid
- Asfrenon
- Asfrenon GF Anti-Asthma
- Asfrenon GF Expectorant
- Betavit
- Bio-Termin Plus with Lecithin
- Biotermin AS
- C-4-Kids
- C-Phenicol
- Carditec
- Centravim
- Cloxim
- Cotrazid
- Ebutol Forte
- Foliage
- H-One
- Klaryz
- Lanzep
- Mucosolin
- Mucotuss
- Mucotuss Forte
- Pyramin
- Qualistat
- SG-Glutergen
- Suprex
- Suprex Forte
- Teramol
- Teramol Forte
- Teramol Infant
- Teramoxyl
- Teramoxyl Infant
- Teravox
- Termin-C
- Terozid Forte
- Terraferron
- Tricomycin
- Vamox
- Xinflex