Nikka Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Nikka Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Protargol (BCM)
- Protarin (Wayne, Mexico)
- Protasol (Alcon)
- Protasorb L-20 (BCM)
- Protasorb O-20 (BCM)
- Protat (Potter's Herbal Supplies)
- Protatek (BCM)
- Protaxil (Delta Laboratorios; Rottapharm)
- Protaxol (Provit, Mexico)
- Protaxon (Sanofi-Aventis; Opfermann Arzneimittel)
- Protaxon Forte (Sanofi-Aventis; Opfermann Arzneimittel)
- Protazine (BCM)
- Proteamin (Mitsubishi-Tokyo Pharmaceuticals)
- Protease (Richmond Laboratorios)
- Proteazone (International Medical Service)
- Protec (Protec Health International)
- Pro-Tec Sport Lotion SPF 20 (Allergan)
- Protec T (Implementos Plasticos)
- Protecadin (BCM)
- Proteccion Ultra SPF 30 (Rider Laboratorios)
- ProTech (Triton Consumer Products)
- Protecor (Duopharm)
- Protect (EHN)
- Protect Antiseptic Skin Cleanser (Star Industries 1997)
- Protectaid (Axcan Pharma; C & L Pharmaceutical; Sinclair Pharmaceuticals)
- Protecteur Levres SPF 15 (L'Oreal)
- Protectfluor (Pharbita)
- Protectina (Gross Laboratorio)
- Protecting Day Lotion SPF 15 (Yves Rocher)
- Protecting Self-Tan Lotion SPF 15 (Yves Rocher)
- Protecting Sun Care Lotion SPF 15 (Yves Rocher)
- Protecting Sun Care Lotion SPF 25 (Yves Rocher)
- Protecting Sun Care Lotion SPF 8 (Yves Rocher)
- Protecting Suncare Lotion Prevention Soleil SPF 15 (Yves Rocher)
- Protectin-OPT (Truw Arzneimittel Vertriebs)
- Protective Body Sunscreen (E. Excel)
- Protective Cream (Bebia Pediatric)
- Protective Gel-Cream Body SPF 20 (Vichy)
- Protective Healing Cream (Numark Management)
- Protective Lip Care Extreme Shine (Biotherm)
- Protective Lotion Sunscreen SPF 15 (Stroms' Enterprises)
- Protective Moisture Lotion SPF 15 (Jergens)
- Protective Self Tan (Dermalogica)
- Protective Self Tan SPF 15 (Calcorp 55 Enterprises)
- Protective Sport Sunscreen Ecran Solaire SPF FPS 30 (Energizer)
- Protective Sunscreen Ecran Solaire Protecteur Dry Oil SPF FPS 10 (Energizer)
- Protecto (National Care Products)
- Protecto Barrier Cream (ARJO)
- Protecto Barrier Cream (National Care Products)
- Protectoderm (Ingram & Bell)