NIDDApharm Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of NIDDApharm Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Cosylan (Pfizer)
- Cosyntropin (Sandoz)
- Cosyr (Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand)
- Cosyr Reformulated (Unam Corporation)
- Cotabs (Pharmavite 1987)
- Cotamox (Asian Pharmaceutical)
- Cotar (Flupal Laboratorios)
- Cotareg (Novartis; Biosintetica Laboratorios)
- Co-Tareg (Labesfal)
- Cotaryl (FDC)
- Co-Tasian (Asian Pharmaceutical)
- Cotazym (Organon; Akzo Nobel; Celltech; Pharmaco, New Zealand; Schering-Plough)
- Cotazym 65B (Organon; Schering-Plough)
- Cotazym ECS (Organon; Schering-Plough)
- Cotazym Forte (Organon)
- Cotazym-S (Organon)
- Cotazym-S Forte (Organon)
- Cotel (BCM)
- Co-Tenidone (Sandoz)
- Cotenol (T. P. Drug Laboratories)
- Cotenolol-Neo (Mepha)
- Cotenolol-Neo Mite (Mepha)
- Cotenomel (Clonmel Healthcare)
- Cotesifar (Siphar)
- Cotet Capsules (Sandoz)
- Cotet Suspension (Adcock Ingram)
- Coteveten (Solvay)
- Cothera (Wyeth; Inibsa Laboratorios)
- Cothera Compound (Wyeth)
- Cothilyne (Haemacure)
- Cothivet (Vetoquinol)
- Cotibin (Andromaco Laboratorios)
- Cotibin Compuesto (Andromaco Laboratorios)
- Cotibin Dia y Noche (Andromaco Laboratorios)
- Cotibin Flu (Andromaco Laboratorios)
- Cotina (Instituto Sanitas)
- Cotinazin (Pfizer)
- Cotinizin (BCM)
- Co-Tioctan (Purissimus)
- Cotofilm (BCM)
- Cotofin (Loren Laboratorios Farmaceuticos)
- Cotogesic (BCM)
- Cotolone (BCM)
- Cotone (BCM)
- Cotone Emostatico (Farma 3; Nova Argentia Industria Farmaceutica)
- Cotrane (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Cotrazol (Italfarmaco)
- Cotren (Medispec; Biopharm Chemicals; Great Eastern Healthcare; Indrugco; Mekim)
- Cotriatec (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Cotribene (Ratiopharm)