New River Pharmaceuticals; Shire Health Care Products
List of New River Pharmaceuticals; Shire Drugs:
Latest Popular Site Searches
- Tazicef (Hospira)
- Tazidem (Eurofarma Laboratorios)
- Tazidime (Eli Lilly)
- Tazidime Add-Vantage (Eli Lilly)
- Tazidime in plastic container (Eli Lilly)
- Taziken (Kendrick Laboratorios)
- Tazobac (Wyeth; AHP Schweiz)
- Tazocel (Wyeth)
- Tazocilline (Wyeth)
- Tazocin (Wyeth; Neopharm, Israel)
- Tazofast (Ipca Laboratories)
- Tazonam (Wyeth)
- Tazonam NF (Wyeth)
- Tazone (BCM)
- Tazopen (Biochem Pharmaceutical Industries)
- Tazopril (Wyeth)
- Tazorac (Allergan; Medibrands; Pierre Fabre)
- Tazoral (BCM)
- Tazoxil (Quimica Haller)
- Tazpen (Cellofarm)
- Tazret (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals)
- Taztia (Andrx Pharmaceuticals)
- Taztia XT (Andrx Pharmaceuticals)
- Tazun (Sun Pharmaceutical Industries)
- Tazusin (Lacer)
- TB Minuteman (Maxill)
- TB Minuteman ready to use towelettes (Maxill)
- T-BMP (Seroyal)
- TB-Phlogin (Heyl Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- TB-Phlogin cum B6 (Heyl Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- TBR / X (Ximena Polanco Laboratorio)
- TB-Razide (BCM)
- TBV (Seroyal)
- TB-Vis (BCM)
- TBZ 6 (BCM)
- TBZ 60W (BCM)
- Tc 99M-Lungaggregate (GE Healthcare)
- TCC Soap (BCM)
- TCK 1 Hematocis (CIS Bio International; REM, Brazil)
- TCK 17 Nanocis (CIS Bio International; REM, Brazil)
- TCK 18 (CIS Bio International; REM, Brazil)
- TCK 21 (CIS Bio International; REM, Brazil)
- TCK 6 (CIS Bio International; REM, Brazil)
- TCK-7 Angiocis (CIS Bio International; REM, Brazil)
- TCO (Seroyal)
- TCP Antiseptic Cream (Chefaro)
- TCP Antiseptic Liquid (Chefaro)
- TCP Antiseptic Ointment (Chefaro)
- TCP First Aid Antiseptic Cream (Chefaro)
- TCP Liquid Antiseptic (Chefaro)