McCuaig Solutions Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of McCuaig Solutions Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Sedal-M (Sopharma; Milve Pharmaceuticals)
- Sedalmerck (Merck)
- Sedalmerck TH (Merck)
- Sedalozia (Iphym Pharma & Plantes)
- Sedalpan (Teofarma)
- Seda-Miroton (Abbott Laboratories)
- Seda-Movicard (Ravensberg)
- Sedamyl (BCM)
- Sedanil (BCM)
- Sedanium-R (Coup)
- Sedanoct (Woelm Pharma)
- Sedans (Istituto Ganassini di Ricerche Biochimiche)
- Sedante Arceli (E. J. Gezzi Laboratorios)
- Sedante Dia (La Serranita)
- Sedante Nativa (Argenfarma Laboratorio)
- Sedante Noche (La Serranita)
- Sedantional (BCM)
- Sedantoin (BCM)
- Sedantoinal (BCM)
- Sedantol (Farmoterapica Dovalle Industria Quimica Farmaceutica)
- Sedantol (Recalcine Laboratorios)
- Sedanxol (Tropon)
- Sedanyl (BCM)
- Sedapain (Garec Pharmaceuticals)
- Sedapain (Nihon Iyakuhin Kogyo)
- Sedapam (BCM)
- Sedapap (Merz; Mayrand)
- Seda-Pasc N (Pascoe Pharmazeutische Praparate)
- Sedapercut (BCM)
- Sedaperone Vet (BCM)
- Sedaplaie (Zambon; Celltech)
- Seda-Plantina (Plantina Biologische Arzneimittel)
- Sedaplex (Thorne Research)
- Sedaplus (Chephasaar Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik; Rosen Pharma)
- Sedapon D (Essex)
- Seda-Presomen (Solvay)
- Sedapressin (Biospray)
- Sedapulpe (Biodica Laboratoires)
- Seda-Quell (Key Pharmaceuticals)
- Seda-Rash (Key Pharmaceuticals)
- Sedaraupin (BCM)
- Sedaraupina (BCM)
- Sedarene (Jolly Jatel Laboratoire)
- Sedarene Capsules (Jolly Jatel Laboratoire)
- Sedarene Suppositories (Jolly Jatel Laboratoire; Wintec Pharma)
- Seda-Repicin (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Sedariston Konzentrat (Steiner & Co. Deutsche Arzneimittel Gesellschaft)
- Sedariston Plus (Steiner & Co. Deutsche Arzneimittel Gesellschaft)
- Sedartryl (Bristol-Myers Squibb)
- Sedartryl (Prater Laboratorio)