Cipla Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Oflox OD - Ralista.
List of Cipla Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Oflox OD
- Oflox Rediuse
- Oflox TZ
- Okacet
- Okacet Cold
- Okacet-L
- Okacid
- Okacid D
- Okaflox M
- Okaflox-TZ
- Okagyl
- Okalan D
- Okamet
- Okamycin
- Okanorm Plus
- Okaril
- Okaril Plus
- Okas-Q
- Okatrim DS
- Okavir
- Okavir Skin
- Olexar
- Olmecip
- Omecip
- Omecip-D
- Omeprazole
- Omini
- Omni
- Omnigel
- Omnirom
- Omnitor
- Omnitor-EZ
- Omnixim
- Oncodox
- Oncogem
- Ondansetron
- Onylac
- Optipres
- Optipres-S
- Orthal Forte
- Osetron
- Osteocip
- Osteofos
- Oxcarb
- Oxyspas
- P-Glitz
- P-Glitz M
- Paclitax
- Pamidria
- Pamidronate
- Panstal N
- Pantocip
- Pantosec
- Pantosec D
- Paracetamol
- Paracip
- Paracip CPM
- Paracip Plus
- Paracod
- Parafizz
- Paranorm
- Pencip
- Phencip
- Phenetone
- Pill 72
- Pilovate
- Pirox
- Pletoz
- Powerflox
- Powerflox-TZ
- Powergel
- Powergyl
- Prazocip
- Prazocip XL
- Predcip
- Predone
- Predone Forte
- Preflam
- Pregtest
- Presolar
- Prilace
- Prilosin
- Primacip
- Profenac
- Proflox
- Progra
- Prolyte Fizztabs
- Promoxil
- Pylokit
- Pynmed Syrup
- Pynmed Tablets
- Pyramet
- Pyzid
- Q Gat
- Qinarsol
- Quinarsol
- Rabesec
- Rabicip
- Racotil
- Ralista