Akapharm Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Akapharm Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Yodoxin (Glenwood)
- Yodozona (Offenbach Mexicana)
- Yoduk (Ciclum Farma)
- Yoguis C (Ale Pedemonte Laboratorios)
- Yoguito (Ale Pedemonte Laboratorios)
- Yohimbin (Health Pharmaceutical Company)
- Yohimbin Spiegel (Desma)
- Yohimbine (Odan Laboratories)
- Yohimbine (Rougier Pharma)
- Yohimbine (Sandoz)
- Yohimbine (Tanta Pharmaceuticals)
- Yohimbine (Welcker-Lyster)
- Yohimbine Houde (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Yohimex (Fortbenton Laboratorio Farmaceutico; Kramer Laboratories)
- Yohydrol (Riedel Zabinka Produtos Quimicos e Farmaceuticos)
- Yokel (Bros)
- Yolecol (Altana Pharma)
- Yomax (Apsen Farmaceutica)
- Yomensan (BCM)
- Yomesan (Bayer Schering Pharma; IDIS World Medicines; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; Medisource; Perrigo)
- Yomesane (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Yomogi (Ardeypharm)
- Yomogi (Strathmann)
- Yonal (Arex Technology)
- Yondelis (OPI Laboratoire; Pharma Mar; PharmaMar)
- Yonka (Andromaco Laboratorios; Silesia Laboratorios)
- Yontal (Duncan Laboratorios)
- Yopin (Sydenham Laboratorios)
- Yoquin (Arlex de Mexico)
- Yoshipyrin (BCM)
- Youngflex Massage Ointment 168 (Youngflex Manufacturing)
- Your Choice (Amcon Laboratories)
- Youth-Dew Roll On Antiperspirant Deodorant (Estee Lauder)
- Youthful Look (Faces Cosmetics)
- Youvitan (BCM)
- Youxiaolin (BCM)
- Yovis (Sigma-Tau)
- Yovita (Pharma Italia Laboratori Farmaceutici)
- Ypsiloheel N (Biologische Heilmittel Heel; Ebi-Pharm)
- Yranicid Arsenical (Ato Zizine Laboratoire)
- Yranicid sans Arsenic (Ato Zizine Laboratoire)
- Yranol Eugenole (Ato Zizine Laboratoire)
- Yrelan (Americano de Farmacoterapia Laboratorio)
- Yria Teint Frais Creme Teintee Vitaminee (Yves Rocher)
- Yria Teint Rayonnant Fond de Teint Diffuseur de Lumiere FPS 14 Teintes 140 et 141 (Yves Rocher)
- Yria Teint Rayonnant Fond de Teint Diffuseur de Lumiere FPS 14 Teintes 240 (Yves Rocher)
- Yria Teint Rayonnant Fond de Teint Diffuseur de Lumiere FPS 14 Teintes 240, 241, 340, 341, 440, 441 (Yves Rocher)
- Yria Teint Rayonnant Fond de Teint Diffuseur de Lumiere FPS 14 Teintes 241 (Yves Rocher)
- Yria Teint Rayonnant Fond de Teint Diffuseur de Lumiere FPS 14 Teintes 340 (Yves Rocher)
- Yria Teint Rayonnant Fond de Teint Diffuseur de Lumiere FPS 14 Teintes 341 (Yves Rocher)