Agrimin Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Agrimin Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Cellex MX ()
- Cellidrin (Sanofi-Aventis; Hennig Arzneimittel)
- Cellofas ()
- Cellogel ()
- Cellogen ()
- Cellogran ()
- Celloidin ()
- Cellosize ()
- Cellosorb (Fournier; Urgo Laboratoires)
- Cellothyl ()
- Cellubril (AstraZeneca)
- Cellufix FF 100 ()
- Cellufresh (Allergan; JDH Pharmaceutical; Maxim Intercontinental; Zuellig Pharma)
- Cellufresh MD (Allergan; Maxim Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Cellulosize ()
- Cellumeth ()
- Celluvisc (Allergan; Alvia; DKSH; IDS Group; Maxim Pharmaceuticals)
- Celluvisc MD (Allergan; Maxim Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma)
- Celluvisc Refresh Plus (Allergan; Alvia; DKSH; IDS Group)
- Celmidol ()
- Celocef (Guju Pharma; Seo Kyung Company)
- Celocid (Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem)
- Celocid Ferron (Ferron)
- Celocom (JR Pharm; Seo Kyung Company)
- Celocurine (Pfizer; Centre Specialites Pharmaceutiques)
- Celofem (Celon Laboratories)
- Celofol (Themis Medicare)
- Celofos (Celon Laboratories)
- Celoftal (Alcon; Pharmaforte)
- Celogot (Celogen Pharma)
- Celol Capsules (Emcure Pharmaceuticals)
- Celol Injections (Emcure Pharmaceuticals)
- Celomox (Celogen Pharma)
- Celon A ()
- Celon ATH ()
- Celonib (Celon Laboratories)
- Celontin (Pfizer; ERFA; Neopharm, Israel; Parke-Davis)
- CelorDHG (DHG Pharmaceutical)
- Celorstad (Pymepharco; STADA)
- Celorstad Kid (Pymepharco; STADA)
- Celosti (DHG Pharmaceutical)
- Celovera (Celon Laboratories)
- Celovit (Mapra Laboratories)
- Celox (Cure Quick Pharmaceuticals)
- Celoxin (Celon Laboratories)
- Celparin (Celon Laboratories)
- Celpat (Celon Laboratories)
- Celsentri (Pfizer; GlaxoSmithKline; The Glory Medicina; ViiV Healthcare; Zuellig Pharma)
- Celtalex (Eskayef Bangladesh)
- Celtax (Celon Laboratories)