Ag Services Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Ag Services Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Depalept (Sanofi-Aventis; C.T.S. Chemical Industries)
- Depalept Chrono (Sanofi-Aventis; C.T.S. Chemical Industries)
- Depamag (Sigma-Tau)
- Depamide (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Depamine (BCM)
- DepAndro (Forest Laboratories)
- DepAndrogyn (Forest Laboratories)
- Depanthenol (Hemofarm)
- Depanthol (Nizhpharm)
- Deparal (BCM)
- Deparkin (Zentiva)
- Deparon (Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand)
- Deparon (Merck)
- Depas (Fournier; Mitsubishi-Tokyo Pharmaceuticals)
- Depasan (Solvay)
- Depen (MedPointe Healthcare; Carter Horner)
- Depersolon (Gedeon Richter)
- Depesert (Merck)
- Depex (Sandoz)
- DepGynogen (Forest Laboratories)
- Depicor (Merck)
- Depiderm (Uriage Laboratoires Dermatologiques)
- D-Epifrin (Allergan; Eco-Med-Poll Prague)
- Depigman (Hermal Kurt Herrmann)
- Depigoid (Leti Pharma)
- Depil (BCM)
- Depin (Zydus Cadila)
- Depinar (Armour Pharmaceutical)
- Depin-E (Cadilla Healthcare)
- Depix (BCM)
- Depixol Injection (Lundbeck; Zuellig Pharma)
- Depixol Low Volume (Lundbeck)
- Depixol Tablets (Lundbeck)
- Depizide (Pond's Chemical Thailand)
- Deplecat (Baxter)
- DepMedalone (Forest Laboratories)
- Depnil (Cipla)
- Depnon (Organon)
- Depo Moderin (Pfizer)
- Depocid (BCM)
- Depocillin (Astellas Pharma; Intervet)
- Depo-Clinovir (Pfizer)
- Depocoid (Wyeth)
- Depocon (Duopharma)
- Depocon (Pfizer)
- DepoCyt (Enzon Pharmaceuticals; Paladin Laboratories; Skyepharma)
- Depocyt Liposomal (BCM)
- DepoCyte (Napp Pharmaceuticals; Mundipharma; Norpharma; Skyepharma)
- Depodillar (GlaxoSmithKline; Roche)
- DepoDur (Endo Pharmaceuticals; Skyepharma)