A.F. Laboratorios, Aplicaciones Farmaceuticas Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of A.F. Laboratorios, Aplicaciones Farmaceuticas Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Aclimafel
- Akabar
- Anerex
- Ciprolisina
- Despamen
- Dolaren
- Dolaren Cream
- Dolaren Crema
- Fluxedan
- Furocloran
- Idealid
- Liberan
- Libertrim
- Libertrim Pediatrico
- Libertrim SDP
- LM6 Solution
- LM6 Tablets
- Micarzin
- Neo-Dolaren
- Noax 3
- Oranor
- Patector
- Prosphere
- Revapol
- Uropipemid
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- Algolisina (Polifarma, Italy)
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- Algonerg (Dr. Friedrich Eberth Arzneimittel)
- Algophene (S.M.B. Laboratoires)
- Algopriv (Eurorga; Interdelta)
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- Algosfar (Grupo Medifarma)
- Algostase (S.M.B. Laboratoires)
- Algostase Mono (S.M.B. Laboratoires)
- Algosteril (Johnson & Johnson; Brothier Laboratoires; Smith & Nephew)
- Algosteril Trionic (Johnson & Johnson)
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