Unichem Laboratories Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Meloxicam - Zisper-MD.
List of Unichem Laboratories Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Meloxicam
- Metride
- Metride Plus
- Metsar
- Mirtadep
- Momoz
- Momoz-F
- Momoz-S
- Momoz-T
- Nasal Spray for Hayfever
- Normace
- Normace-D
- Norphin
- Olmis
- Olmis Forte
- Olsar
- Olsar-A
- Olsar-H
- Optima 50 Plus
- Oxcazo
- Pain Relief Syrup for Children
- Panolase
- Platloc
- Platloc AS
- Pod Plus
- Posmeal
- Pregaba
- Pregaba Plus
- Pregaba-M
- Pronim
- Pryzm
- PT-Press
- Ranx
- Renicard
- Rostar
- Salvosh
- Sefdin
- Sefdin Injections
- Serta
- Sulbacin Injections
- Sulbacin Tablets
- Sunkare Gel
- Sunkare Lotion
- Supacor
- Supacor-GM
- Tebif
- Telsar-A
- Telsar-H
- Teram
- Teram-H
- TG-Tor
- TG-Tor-EZ
- TG-Tor-F
- Tolol-AM
- Tolol-H
- Tolol-XR
- Topirain
- Topiramate
- Trika
- Trika Forte
- Trika Plus
- Trika-SR
- Trinergic
- Trinergic Capsules
- Trinergic Forte
- Trinergic Injections
- Trinergic-L
- Tuftax
- Tufzone
- Ucdex
- Unicarbazan
- Unicobal
- Unicobal Forte
- Unicobal Plus
- Unidrol
- Unienzyme Drops
- Unienzyme Liquid
- Unienzyme Tablets
- Uniferon
- Unigel
- Uniheal
- Unipod
- Uniscab
- Uniwarfin
- Valcox
- Valcox Plus
- Vith
- Vizyl
- Vizylac
- Wormfix
- Xure
- Zaleplon
- Zator
- Zator Plus
- Zicam
- Zion
- Zisper Forte
- Zisper Plus
- Zisper-LS
- Zisper-MD