Underberg Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Underberg Pharmaceutical Drugs:
Latest Popular Site Searches
- Cognitiv (Ebewe)
- Cognitiv (Rontag Laboratorios)
- Cognito (Health Perception)
- Cogoxin (BCM)
- Cohasal-IH (BCM)
- Cohemin (Orion Pharma)
- Co-He-O2-N2 Mixture (Linde Canada)
- Cohidrate (BCM)
- Co-Hist (Shire)
- Cohistan (Olic Thailand; Great Eastern Drug)
- Cohistan Expectorant (Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand)
- Cohortan Antibiotico (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Cohortan Cream (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Cohortan Ointment (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Cohosh Comp (Kootenay Born Botanicals)
- Cohoshplex I (Bio Active Canada)
- Cohoshplex II (Bio Active Canada)
- Co-Hydeltra (BCM)
- Cohydrin (BCM)
- Co-Hypert (PEKANA Naturheilmittel; Ebi-Pharm)
- Co-Inhibace (Roche)
- Cojene (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Cokenzen (Takeda Pharmaceutical)
- Coker Gatch Oil (BCM)
- Col (Alphapharm)
- Col Sil (Bio Active Canada)
- Cola Tonic (Dr. F. & C. Fiori)
- Colace (Bristol-Myers Squibb; Purdue Pharma; Wellspring Pharmaceuticals)
- Colace Infant / Child (Purdue Pharma)
- Colachofra (EMS Industria Farmaceutica)
- Coladren (Cooperativa Farmaceutica Societa)
- Colagain (Metochem-Pharma)
- Colagenan (Herbarium Laboratorio Botanico)
- Colageno + C (Sigma Laboratorios)
- Colagolen (EMS Industria Farmaceutica)
- Colagotil (Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio)
- Col-Alphar (Alpharma Laboratorios)
- Colambil (Madaus)
- Colamin (Solvay)
- Colarine (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Colascor (BCM)
- Colatan (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Colatus (TNP Health Care)
- Co-Lav (Copley Pharmaceuticals; Teva)
- Colax (Officina Farmaceutica Fiorentina Istituto Biochimico)
- Colax (Watson Pharmaceuticals)
- Colax Liquid (Mediherb)
- Colax Tablets (Mediherb)
- Colax-C (Meta Pharmaceuticals)
- Colax-S (Meta Pharmaceuticals)