Underberg Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Underberg Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Alphagan P (Allergan)
- Alphaglobin (Alpha Therapeutic Corporation; Grifols)
- Alphagloss (BCM)
- Alphahist (Apex Pharma)
- Alpha-Kadol (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Alphakeptol (Dermoteca)
- Alphakinase (Alpha Therapeutic Corporation)
- Alpha-Lac (Genpharm)
- Alphaligo (Clinique Lafontaine)
- Alphalin (Eli Lilly)
- Alpha-Lipogamma (Worwag Pharma)
- Alpha-Lipon (Aliud Pharma; Stada)
- Alpha-Liponsaure (Sandoz)
- Alphalox-D (Alpharma Laboratorios)
- Alphamex (Pharmagen)
- Alphamid (Actavis)
- Alphamol (Molex Ayus Pharmaceutical)
- Alphamox (Alphapharm)
- Alphamucase (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Alphanate (Grifols; Alpha Therapeutic Corporation; Edward Keller; Great Year Trading)
- Alphane (Bailleul Laboratoires)
- Alpha-Nifedipine Retard (BCM)
- Alphanine (Alpha Therapeutic Corporation; Grifols)
- Alphaparin (Grifols)
- Alphapen (Unipharm de Mexico)
- Alpha-Plus (Genepharma Group)
- Alphapress (Alphapharm; Unipharm, Israel)
- Alphapril (Alphapharm)
- Alpha-R (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Alpharedisol (Merck)
- Alpharegul (Arlor Laboratoire)
- Alpharexin (Alpharma)
- Alphascrub (G.H. Wood & Wyant)
- Alphasel Powder (Wyeth)
- Alphasel Tablets (Armitage Carroll)
- Alphasidol (A.G. Therapy)
- Alphasterol (BCM)
- Alphastria (Zambon)
- Alphatest (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Alpha-Test (Bayer Schering Pharma)
- Alphatrex (Savage Laboratories)
- Alphavase (Ashbourne Pharmaceuticals)
- Alpha-Vibolex (Rosen Pharma)
- Alpha-Zedex (Wockhardt)
- Alphazine (Eon Labs)
- Alphazol (Vocate Pharmaceuticals)
- Alphazole (Dermoteca)
- Alphexine (Eli Lilly)
- Alphintern (Waldemar Hasenclever; Leurquin Mediolanum Laboratoire)
- Alphodith (GlaxoSmithKline)