Symbiosis Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Symbiosis Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Alkarex-PD
- Alkasym
- Alprosym
- Artisin
- Azisym
- Belief-Gel
- Bestocef
- Bestocef-LB
- Bestodin
- Bestodin-M
- Brodisym
- Broncare
- Cefusym
- Cetriken
- Chap Grip SPF 15
- Clobesym-GM
- Cofsym
- Cyclosym
- Cyclosym-TX
- Debgone
- Debgone-M
- Dipress
- Dipress-Plus
- Drosym-MF
- Etosym
- Ferisym-XT
- Gatrid
- Gatrid-OZ
- Irosym
- L-Dom
- Levosym
- Levosym-OZ
- Librosym
- Lodol
- Lycosym Capsules
- Lycosym Syrup
- Maxinac
- Multical
- N-S-Plus
- Narish
- Nectozyme
- Netrocid
- Nimucold
- Nimusym
- Nimusym-Plus
- Nitrocalm
- Omesym
- Omesym-D
- Ondosym
- Onz
- Orthocure
- Otosym
- Parnika Capsules
- Parnika Syrup
- Picosym
- Pine
- Prednicort
- Rabesym
- Rabesym-D
- Rabesym-DSR
- Relitase
- Relitase Plus
- Relitase-MR
- Suclate-O
- Symbend
- Symbend-IR
- Symbocin
- Symbocin-OZ
- Symbocin-TZ
- Symbocip
- Symbocip-TZ
- Symclox
- Symcort
- Symlax
- Symodent
- Symodent M-Wash
- Symofast
- Symoglobin
- Symol-Plus
- Symolose
- Symoprox
- Symorest
- Symovent-BG
- Symovent-PD
- Symphylate
- Symrox
- Syms
- Symtop
- Symtop-D
- Symtrax
- Texyl
- Tremofen
- Valprosym-CR
- Vibee
- Zolpicalm