Sedabel Laboratorio Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Sedabel Laboratorio Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Akirol
- Algidente
- Amigdamicin
- Antiacil
- Ascariobel
- Azime
- Bel-Gel
- Belcetin
- Belprazol
- Benzolato
- Biocalcio
- Captobel
- Cardiopranol
- Colizin
- Combinovita
- Dermobel
- Egotussano
- Enterovit
- Fungodermol
- Geo Vit H3
- Gero H3
- Hepachofril
- Hepachofril Solution
- Inalobel
- Iodocaine
- Kaogel
- Killgrip Injections
- Killgrip Tablets
- Linadin
- Mictarin
- Mirorroidin
- Nazobel
- Nazosoro
- Nitrolerg
- Normomensil
- Otobel
- Passi Catha
- Pasta d'Agua
- Pectal
- Pratazine
- Rubizuel
- Sedabel
- Tonovix
- Tossivitan
- Ulcitag
- Vominil