Scherer Laboratories Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Scherer Laboratories Pharmaceutical Drugs:
- Chigger-Tox
- Chiggerex
- Codeine, Aspirin, Apap Formula No. 2
- Codeine, Aspirin, Apap Formula No. 3
- Codeine, Aspirin, Apap Formula No. 4
- Diphenoxylate; Atropine
- Ear-Dry
- Eye-Sed
- Hista-Vadrin
- HuMist Nasal Mist
- Meprobamate
- Nifedipine
- Prednisone
- Quinidine
- Rhinall
- Secran
- Theophylline
- Theophylline-SR
- Tolu-Sed DM
- Valproic Acid
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- Calsalettes (Typharm)
- Calsamin (BCM)
- Calsan (Novartis)
- Calscorbat (Aerocid Laboratoires)
- Calsed (Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals)
- Calsein (Manuell Laboratorios)
- Calshake (Fresenius)
- Calsip (Rowa Pharmaceuticals)
- Calslot (Takeda Pharmaceutical)
- Calsmin (BCM)
- Calsoft F-90 (BCM)
- Calsoft L-40 (BCM)
- Calsom (Biological Homeopathic Industries)
- Calsorp (ST Pharma)
- Calsuba (Group Laboratories)
- Calsum (Sriprasit Dispensary)
- Cal-Sup (3M; Zuellig Pharma)
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- Calsynar Lyo S (Sanofi-Aventis)
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- Caltha Palustris (Standard Homeopathic)
- Caltheon (Chephasaar Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik)
- Calthicon (Central Poly Trading)
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- Calthrox (Zydus Cadila)
- Caltine (Ferring)
- Caltoson Balsamico (Rottapharm)
- Caltrate (Wyeth; Neopharm, Israel)
- Caltrate + D (Wyeth)
- Caltrate + Iron and Vitamin D (Wyeth)
- Caltrate + M (Wyeth)
- Caltrate + S (Wyeth)
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- Caltrate Plus Mastigavel (Wyeth)