Sanitalia di Battaglia Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Sanitalia di Battaglia Pharmaceutical Drugs:
Latest Popular Site Searches
- Desquam E (Bristol-Myers Squibb)
- Desquaman (Hermal Kurt Herrmann; Boots; Neopharm, Israel)
- De-Squaman N (Hermal Kurt Herrmann)
- Desquam-X (Bristol-Myers Squibb; Westwood-Squibb)
- Desquam-X Wash (Westwood-Squibb)
- Desrazoxane (BCM)
- Dessensibilizante Chauvin (Prima Laboratorios)
- Desseptyl (BCM)
- Dessertase (Zambon)
- Dessolets (SMB Farma Laboratorios)
- Desson (BCM)
- Destab (BCM)
- Destamin (Grupo Medifarma)
- Destap (Chile Laboratorios)
- Destara (Roche)
- DeSTAT 3 (Sherman Pharmaceuticals)
- Destilbenol (Apsen Farmaceutica)
- Destim (D & E Pharmaceuticals)
- Destolit (Sanofi-Aventis; Norgine)
- Destoxican (Pentafarma)
- Destral (BCM)
- Destrepen (PROEL Pharmaceuticals)
- Destrobac (Gebro Pharma; Rusch, Italy)
- Destrol (BCM)
- Destrone (BCM)
- Destrumin (Dr. Herbrand)
- Destruxol Applex (BCM)
- Destruxol Orchid Spray (BCM)
- Desugar (Stada)
- Desuric (Sanofi-Aventis; OTL Pharma; Sanfer Laboratorios)
- Desurol (Zentiva)
- Desyrel (Bristol-Myers Squibb; Apothecon)
- Desyrel Dividose (Bristol-Myers Squibb)
- DET MS (Shire)
- DET MS Retard (Shire)
- DET MS Spezial (Shire)
- Detalan (BCM)
- Detalup (BCM)
- Detametazon (Dalkhimpharm; Masterlek)
- Detamide (BCM)
- Detamol (Thai PD Chemicals)
- Detane (Del Pharmaceuticals)
- Detantol (Eisai)
- Detaril (BCM)
- Detarmon (Rowe-Fleming Laboratorios)
- Detco (Brodi Specialty Products)
- Detco HD (Brodi Specialty Products)
- Detebencil Cream (Roux-Ocefa Laboratorios)
- Detebencil Lotion (Roux-Ocefa Laboratorios)
- Deteclo (Wyeth; Goldshield Pharmaceuticals)