Rio Preto Laboratorio Farmaceutico Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products
List of Rio Preto Laboratorio Farmaceutico Pharmaceutical Drugs:
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- Refolinon (Pfizer)
- Reforce (Atral Laboratorios)
- Reforgan (Nikkho do Brasil Quimica e Farmaceutica)
- Reformin (BCM)
- Reforsic (Altana Pharma)
- Refortan (Berlin-Chemie; Berlin-Pharma)
- Refortan GAK (Berlin-Pharma; Berlin-Chemie)
- Refortan HES (Berlin-Pharma; Berlin-Chemie)
- Refortrix (GlaxoSmithKline)
- Refosporene (BCM)
- Refosporin (Merck)
- Refotax (Farma Uno)
- Refractyl (Sophia Laboratorios)
- Refrane (Wyeth)
- Refrane Bronce (Neo Dermos)
- Refrane Gel SPF 16 (Neo Dermos)
- Refrane P SPF 18 (Neo Dermos)
- Refrane Plus SPF 33 (Neo Dermos)
- Refrane Total SPF 50 (Neo Dermos)
- Refrat (Cellofarm)
- Refresh (Allergan; Alvia; Diethelm; JDH Pharmaceutical; Maxim Intercontinental; Tradis-Gat)
- Refresh Celluvisc (Allergan)
- Refresh Contacts (Allergan)
- Refresh Eye Allergy Relief (Allergan)
- Refresh Free (Allergan)
- Refresh Gel (Allergan)
- Refresh Lacri-Lube (Allergan)
- Refresh Liquiduigel (Allergan)
- Refresh Liquigel (Allergan)
- Refresh Night Time (Allergan)
- Refresh Plus (Allergan)
- Refresh PM (Allergan)
- Refresh Redness Relief (Allergan)
- Refresh Tears (Allergan)
- Refresh Tears Plus (Allergan)
- Refresh'n (BCM)
- Refrianex (Disprofarma)
- Refrianex Antigripal (Disprofarma)
- Refrianex Compuesto (Disprofarma)
- Refrigerant 114 (BCM)
- Refrigerant 12 (BCM)
- Refrigerant R 12 (BCM)
- Refrigerant R10 (BCM)
- Refrigerant R20 (BCM)
- Reftax (Ranbaxy)
- Refulgin (Spyfarma Laboratorios)
- Refungine (BCM)
- Refusal (Artu Biologicals Europe)
- Refzil-O (Ranbaxy)
- Regad (Laboratorio Medico Quimico Biologico)